2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

I think he’ll pipe up here in the final stretch. What does he have to lose? Either he drags the R from down 20 to a close loss or he drags them from down 15 to a win.

It looks like it will be a very close race. I’m fully prepared for Rispone (R) to barely win and Trump to take all the credit.



Adios Felicia

I had a feeling they weren’t going to the mat for a guy who a huge number of core GOP voters turned out to cast a split ticket ballot against. Bevin was trash and made no friends behind the scenes.

Moderate like Mayor Pete or moderate like Bloomberg tho

LOL like there is a difference

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Well…looks like we will know if Matt Jones is running tomorrow…

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Well he decided not to run. Sad. I can’t blame anyone for deciding not to run for Senate against Moscow Mitch, because that has to be a terrible ordeal. But I still feel he was the only one who had a chance against Moscow Mitch (been saying that for years even on 2p2), and Matt even said he felt the same way.

I hope I’m wrong, but…sigh…6 more years of Moscow Mitch…

Unfortunately I don’t think he had a chance in a primary with the party elites lining up behind McGrath. I don’t know anything about his positions or credentials or anything, so I can’t speak to that stuff… But his path to even being the Dem nominee was a tough one.

Yep, which is why the person I am angriest about this whole ordeal is Chuck fucking Schumer. I was all fucking on McGrath when she ran for congress.

But god fucking damn it Schumer. You see oh well Amy lost a congress race, in Lexington’s district, and you choose her as the establishment candidate…

I can’t think of a more clearly example why the democratic party is so fucking inept as choosing Amy McGrath as their candidate against Moscow Mitch.


If you knew a goddamn fucking thing about Kentucky Schumer

You push Amy to run against Barr again


you run Matt against Moscow Mitch

Fuck you Schumer you worthless fucking fuck

Old White Guy Steve Beshear is the best (and huge dog) play imo based on the map. Not that he’d be willing to run but they should be begging him. And he’s actually younger than Cocaine Turtle. McGrath is drawing stone dead.

Hot take: McGrath is going to be the next junior senator from Kentucky.


LA governor election today. Fucking nervous.

basically every good poll I’ve seen was D+ <1 so yes it’s gonna be to the wire.

Yeah, it’s really not much of an exaggeration to say it could affect if I decide to stay in New Orleans or not long term as we likely want a kid in 4-5 years or so.


Rispone leading w/ 2% reporting. 52.7% of the vote.

It’s hilarious watching predictit, all rural precincts report rispone goes up 15%, same thing for dem happens if one batch of NO votes come in.

Overall it does look alright right now though.

Looks like the early vote went to Rispone. That’s terrible for the democrat because in recent years democrats have done better in early vote than day of voting.

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