2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

Yea I was thinking the same thing. Rispone has 241K votes vs 223K for Edwards. That’s a huge lead in a smallish state.

18K vote lead w/ 11% reporting.

At the same time predictit has made the dem a pocket aces favorite. I don’t think a bunch of them have any clue about the early ballots though.

Yea, Deplorable states gonna Deplorable. Dude has 20K vote lead w/ 30% reporting.

Yeah I’m loading up on this free predictit money.

I guess I’m either making $350 off a $50 investment or the democrat somehow wins. I’ll take either.


What am I missing here? The comments on predictit are that there is nothing in from New Orleans, which is why the dem is trading so well. When I click on the election results so far it looks like most of the NO parishes are in like 40 percent?

from what I can tell out there–he’s beating most of his benchmarks needed to win. (dem) Of course I think some of this is gonna end up being due to trump getting some supporters to vote early on some earlier rallies but he looks like he’s gonna win?

lol so i should stop pouring money into the GOP?

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Oh shit! Edwards up now.

if you wanna try it at some low number that’s about to happen whatever but yeah you lit some on fire.

Edwards up like 94-6 in Orleans Parish w/ less than 10% reporting.

Whoops. Yeah I bought the latest few hundred shares at 7 cents a piece. I’m making like a grand now if he wins… I still want the democrat to lose. Oh well, lesson learned.

does it help I got a few of those? heh, shame I wasn’t smart enough to get more than $20 worth a couple weeks ago. (actually I didn’t, i just tried to help)

Lol, wondering if I should cut my losses (trading at 10 cents) or stand pat. Honestly I bought my shares at an average of 12 cents a piece so I can cut my losses now. Hmm…

Just jumped to 16… hmm…

400 vote difference after over a million votes cast. Insane!

I can sell with a profit now. Advice?

half of predictit is literally betting on what they’re seeing. rispone got votes in the last update, thus it went back up

So I should sell my rispone shares at a profit?