2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

Cut bait imo

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Only 85 of 351 precincts in Orleans Parish has checked in. Edwards up 50K votes in that parish alone.

Man, what a great job trump came in and rispone was down 30 points in Louisiana all the way just to barely lose by whatever in a RED STATE AGAIN.


Lol I’m still standing pat… sooo tempting to try to win a grand. I guess I should cut bait though.

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Trump team better start copying and pasting their tweets from the Kentucky race imo.

I lost the max on this race but oh well.

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Yea it looks like it’s gonna come down to Orleans Parish and if it’s enough to overcome the rest of the state being Deplorable.

Where are you guys getting results? NYT shows Rispone +1 with 78% in.

It’s over, JBE hitting his benchmarks almost everywhere. Turnout higher in areas he’s winning.

I’m reading people on twitter, they’re all saying JBE is favored right now. (edit–what above poster stated)

Yea, that’s what I’m watching. If you click on the counties, a lot of the red ones are reporting close to 100%. Edwards might just pull this off.

The race right now is rispone has 2 parishes where he can still get decent number of votes vs half of New Orleans. GL with that.

lol frenchies and their weekend elections

If we had weekend elections everywhere we’d have a lot more democrats in office.


What’s up w/ St Martin Parish? You click on it and 2 areas light up. Is that GOP Gerrymandering?

Lol at new orleans taking their sweet time getting their results in.

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It’s interesting that this is going to be like the first election in recent modern history where the republican won the early vote and the democrat pulled it out. I guess because it’s a Saturday election.

Hard to count in between drinking Hurricanes.


I got out at 8 cents. Average price per share I had bought at was 11 cents. What a rollercoaster.