2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

Boom. There it is.

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Several calling it now.

all the D+1-2’s were right

Another major Republican loss in a ruby red state. You hate to see it.


Nah, i think that’s their actual counties. It’s just lol 18th century pols making silly maps.

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yes, half of those are in new orleans. check that with 6% left, all but one 100 people live in are in blue.

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Good. Fuck Trump. I hope this hurts as much as Kentucky.

Feel bad for the peeps not getting car insurance cuts though.


These elections are showing that the GOP might just flip on the orange turd. I mean how many elections do they have to lose to cut ties?

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eh, given R turnout is still very high and Trump is still winning that state easily they’re just gonna eat it and quit if they’re in a suburb house district. Go back to stuffing the judiciary with people who’ve never been in a courtroom before as anything other than a defendant.

Dem is goin gto win comfortably when everything is counted, by at least 2 points.

NY Times calling it. Edwards wins. Trump LOL embarrassed again.

Sure but nobody is thinking Cassidy or Mitch lose their 2020 senate race right now and that’s what it would take.

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I’ve been wondering for a while if all the @‘s and e-mails and whatnot are just a super vocal minority scaring these asshats into (in)action. Maybe that’s exactly the case

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Yea I mean numbers don’t lie right? Trump’s base is never leaving him but it’s only 22% of the population. It’s a numbers game. At some point you just don’t have the votes.

Here’s another way to look at it. It took a perfect storm for Trump to win. He needed to win 4 precise states and binked all of them by less than 100K votes. Yet the entire GOP goes all in on the Trump train.

The smart play would have been to realize you won as a dog and to cut ties while ahead. Instead they keep doubling down on the crazy guy.


Wow amazing. Fuck Trump.


Honestly that was nerve wracking. Fuck


LOL you can stay and not have to move now!

It was the bare minimum

NO ends up like 91/9 LOLOLOLOLOL

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