Your Vote Counts! You Can't Complain if You Don't Vote!

I think you should help your Dad vote.



A one-twenty millionth say in making Prop 15 happen?

Dunno. To make boredsocial happy? Maybe your Dad will appreciate it?

Well, that’s the first honest attempt at GOTV that any UnStuckers have made so far this entire POTUS BOWL. Let’s see if any other UnStuckers wanna stop trolling for just a minute… and add to this list.

OK, let’s try a hypothetical here. Let’[s assume my dad was a lifelong elephant lover.

Would you still think I should help my dad vote?

I guess so. If you created an equation for all the pluses and minuses involved, the numbers are all so close to zero that I don’t really have any strong feelings about it. If he only votes for POTUS in CA (ignore confounding propositions), there is literally zero cost, so do whatever you think is good for your Dad. If you were in a swing state, I guess you have some plusses and minuses to weigh.

If he had voted, it would have been the straight donkey tix on down the line. In SD Co the local offices aren’t clearly labelled “donkey”/“elephant”, and in CA the props aren’t either. He’d proly have had to punt on those… but you never know, he might still be able puzzle the animals out of the endorsements.

See, now this is piss-poor GOTV.

It ignores the whole concept of Voter’s Paradox mentioned above. I’m your GOTV target. You know that I know about this concept. But still… you deny the very concept of opportunity cost (“literally zero cost”), and you make an argument that there’s an actionable difference between winning the lotto 12 days in a row -vs- 13 days in a row (“swing state”).

Of course, horses for courses. This might be great GOTV for a target that has never heard of this whole Voters Paradox concept.

ETA: this wasn’t directed at your particular response, as you stated I should do what I think is best for my dad as the overriding concern. I’m discussing the above after comment in isolation, as that’s the general case.

With “literally zero cost” I should have said “literally zero downside”. I meant his vote for Tromp in CA does no harm.

The math on the lotto odds vs voting in a swing state is hyperbole I reckon…it’s pretty hyperbolic. If the point is that 1 in a million or 1 in 100k is already vanishingly small - ok, but I don’t think that means it’s the same thing as the vanishingly small 1 in 100 million (assuming you meant some big lotto win). Point being, I don’t think “my vote only has a 1 in a million impact” is a reason to not vote, whereas POTUS vote in CA is, I don’t know, if not literally zero, it’s 1 in a googleplex or some crazy number.

Insanity is continuing to attribute a quote to Einstein that he never actually said or wrote.

Is that what the little print says at the bottom? My bad. TYVM for bringing that to my attention. I’ll delete that post. However… that brings up a good aside.

The title “Don’t Vote, It Only Encourages Them”, as well as the fellow watch words “If Voting Works, i’d be Illegal”, are variously attributed to Mark Twain, Emma Goldman, and any number of contemporary peeps. This is all BS. These were in currency long before any of the bogus contemporary attributed were born, and neither Twain nor Goldman said any such thing…

This is my bad too. I lazily didn’t bother to do that one click to check which post you were responding to, and just assumed you were responding to the one above that.

Not at all. The chance of your vote being the tipping point is something on the order of C/2^x. For any x > ‘some large number’, the op costs are going to dominate. The x in CA or WY are all going to orders of magnitude over that ‘some large number’.

It’s basically “lying with statistics”… pointing out the relative difference, in a situation where the absolute difference is what matters.

Yeah, you’re right about the math. It’s a little depressing, like how there’s no free will or meaning to life. It (voting) is essentially an irrational religious like thing.

As far as opportunity costs go, that’s just based on personal values anyway. It’s definitely dominated by what you think the impact on your dad will be. Will it make him happy? Will it cause him frustration and anguish that he has trouble understanding?


Some people go out and vote in person during a pandemic. The level of health safety, to themselves and others, they feel is appropriate is a personal value, sure. Some people pay for overtime child care, or skip wages, to vote in person. More personal values.

The point is everyone has op costs.


Fuck off with this, you’re never doing shit to GOTV because anyone here tells you. You’re just trolling. Further you repeatedly presented it as quasi-legal, and most of us aren’t going to suggest violating election law.

You want it to be one way.

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LOL no.

  • Regarding my sis & niece: they want to vote against the evil toxic waste container. But they didn’t make the choice to spend the time to register to vote. They wanted to vote in a ‘battleground’ state.

I did in fact do the GOTV on them, thus: I informed them that LOL at jurisdiction shopping like that. They’d both need to register at my dad’s address in CA.

  • Regarding my dad. I did a whole lotta GOTV on him. I collected up all that election trash, and conspicuously placed it where he would have to see it. When I noticed he was playing around with it, I always brought him a pencil, and offered to go over it with him. When he left it all scattered around, or filed it in the recycling bin… I collected up all that election trash, and conspicuously placed it where he would have to see it. Caretaking Alzheimer’s folks is like living Groundhog Day… by the hour.

My dad has a sitter a few hours a week so I can go shopping/etc. The last sitter helped him with the census. I asked the new sitter if she wanted to help him with the ballot. Still more GOTV on my part. Alas, she’s a Mayan who lived under El Dedazo. She just laughed at me.

Anyways, you are now stooping so low you are calling me a liar when I’m telling stories about my own family. How about fucking off, trolling asshole !!!1!


“Your Vote Matters! If You Don’t Vote, You Can’t Complain!”.

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What does it feel like to rail against voting when fascism is on the ballot? Do you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?