Your Favorite Posters

I would like to hopefully spark a little more positive of a discussion here. Be the change you wanna see, and all that. let’s have a good old fashioned circle jerk.

Who are your favorite posters and why?

I have a lot, but if I had to only choose one:


This guy consistently makes me laugh, both on and off discord. If you have not experienced beetlejuice on discord, you must. Reading his posts in his voice just adds to it.

Other honorable mentions:

@clovis8 (gets the haters riled and isn’t afraid of criticism) @anon10396289 (he makes me laugh) and @JohnnyTruant (consistently high post quality)



Nominate @NotBruceZ. Very articulate and dry. The review of Mason’s book was fire, I even stole parts of it and reposted in on 2+2 (with his permission).


Damn, how did I forget about notbruceZ??? Definitely on my list too.

@Spidercrab is incredibly generous with his big brain knowledge about stonks and finance. @bobman0330 also makes a lot of great, very informative and thought provoking posts.

@Vict0ar is great for obvious reasons, gets the hater$ furious. Looking at my most liked list, @Riverman and @suzzer99 are obviously great posters that everyone likes for good reason. I also do.

But with only a few exceptions I like nearly everyone here.


I’m having a hard time coming up with favorites because I think just about everyone is a positive contributor even if we butt heads at times. There are the obvious ones like @Riverman @beetlejuice that are probably favorites of everyone I guess. @RiskyFlush and a few others I am forgetting have checked on me via pm a few times to make sure I was ok when I posted struggles and I have really appreciated that about this place.

I even respect and like people I have occasionally gone to war with in the past like @suzzer99, @bobman0330 and others.


I’m egotistical enough to follow this thread.

Also I pick that @superuberbob guy.


You’re awesome obviously, but that guy who posts about Czechia incessantly is a real genius


Long list for me

@JohnnyTruant always great to debate
@microbet pisses me off sometimes but generally willing to have a fair discussion
@goofyballer @MrWookie love talking bread and food
@jmakin always seem to align
@mosdef funny as hell and always willing to take and give a fun jab
@NotBruceZ always keeps the debate going in good faith
@skydiver8 non stop smart takes
@catfacemeowmers my favourite of the further left crowd
@PocketChads for his reports from the front lines

A bunch of others I am forgetting I’m sure.

Forum makes you stop at 10!


You make my list for sure.

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@JohnnyTruant was the first to reach out to me and tell me about doing this in the wake of the purge. In addition he has some of the best, most consistent takes on the site and is a genuinely good dude.

@WichitaDM and I overlapped a lot over at 2+2 without directly interacting all that much, but since we have come here he is one of the people who I always look towards for great insight on whatever topic we are discussing.

@Eyebooger is my old POG cohort. Thats something that will always be very special to me.

@Riskyflush is most likely the funniest guy on the site, and his taste in movies and Tv is impeccable

On a similar note @LouisCyphre has the absolute best taste in music.

And @jmakin took my suggestion to play and beat Crosscode to heart, and it was great watching him struggle with some of the more difficult parts of that game. Edit: Also, you all should check out his Twitch stream more often.


yea you have a way sometimes of saying what I want to say but I don’t want to get yelled at.

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Oh, forgot @PocketChads

We dont always agree but it’s very helpful and informative to have a strongly outspoken lefty here

@Watevs for speaking his mind even if it’s often over the line of civil discussion


Love dozens of you but @Lawnmower_Man absolutely never misses.


Limited to 10, but there are many I could put here.

@Nicholasp27. Hopefully we can meet at a board game event sometime.

@Chuckleslovakian. Thanks a bunch for the trivia questions, and I hope to come to come down to Kentucky and have some booze with you when Mitch McConnell dies.

@CanadaMatt3004 @LKJ @otatop @TrueNorth32. Even if we don’t watch wrestling that much anymore. Probably will still watch the Rumble this weekend though.

@RiskyFlush for watching movies with me on Friday. Haven’t seen you in awhile. Hope you’re okay.

@oneeyedtripping and @skydiver8 for liking more of my posts than anyone I haven’t mentioned.

And lastly, @anon38180840. I know the @ doesn’t work, but I really hope you come back.


I can probably temporarily raise the @ limit if people want. There’s no good reason it’s at 10, kind of arbitrary.

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Walruses would probably appreciate the limit being raised.

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it’s raised


a very important point to make. obviously i’m at the top of everyone’s lists. it’s nice to mention, so if you feel like mentioning it that’s fine but not necessary. it’s assumed.