You’re the global dictator, now fix climate change

Cut all defense spending, after all I beat all my competition to become dictator.
Stop all coal mining. Any countries depending on coal switch to as much renewable energy as possible and gas during the transition.
Build nuclear plants in geological stable locations and keep the waste there.
Spend more money on nuclear and especially fusion research.
Build a global electricity network using ultra high voltage powerlines.
Focus on raising people out of poverty and education for women as that has shown to slow population growth.
Build high speed rail networks and subways to replace planes and cars wherever possible. Use electric vehicles where public transport is not feasible.
Tell people to bloody walk/cycle more. Give tax benefits when they do.
Significant carbon tax, enough to limit sea transportation of goods.
Build massive solar arrays in deserts and use the uhv network to distribute that power.
Tax the wealthy more and open up migration to better distribute the worlds population.
Convert farmland of any overproduced food stock back into forests.
Work to lower the worlds meat consumption uses taxes and reduced food waste.

Release a couple of better designed corona viruses

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I guess the obvious answer is just tax the shit out of tragedy of the commons/market externality stuff so that it represents the real cost to society long term.

You want to destroy something forever (species, forest, landscape)? No that’s illegal.

You want to drive a gasoline car? Fine - the car costs $100k duty (Singapore literally does this already) and the gas costs $100/gallon. Knock yourself out.

You love beef, shrimp and almonds? Great - beef and shrimp are $100/lb and almonds are $1 apiece.

Carbon emitting power costs 10x more than renewable. But no more hydroelectric dams.


Yes the elites can have nice things but fuck it. We’re global dictator and the proles will just have to take public transportation. We just need to think of a cheeseburger like eating a $200 wagyu steak at Cut - which is probably closer to its long term cost to civilization.

I guess we also have to start implementing the China 1-child policy until 2 children becomes a good idea again. Rich people can have as many kids as they want they just have to pay for it. Ugh taking this game to its logical conclusion sucks.

Confiscate property/money of the very wealthy and put it to use for environmental projects.


This plan is regressive as fuck.

Life is regressive as fuck. No one frets that poor people can’t afford a solid gold toilet. If the cost of things actually reflected the multi-generational damage they’re doing to the planet, many of them would be as exclusive as gold toilets.

It would suck for current poor people, but their unborn great-grandkids would probably be all for it.

This was the original intention of this thread. It’s easy to list a bunch of fixes if you never have to think about their effects.

I think mine were super reasonable and would keep us at 2 degrees or less without too much disruption.

Suzzer on the other hand isn’t going to get much better results than me and the level of disruption is going to be 100x. He better hope he can’t get assassinated or overthrown lol.