World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

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Ignorant take. Again, athleticism has never been americas issue ever

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I mean, it’s been like 7 years since he was the best player in the world.

Messi is 5’8 150 lb or so.

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Are we really going with “it’s called soccer”? Yikes.

Fuck soccer, stupid name.

We invented it as football, that’s what it is. Rename the game that’s played with the hands instead.

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When a motherfucker has been in Italy for too damn long (0:35s)


You also invented the word “soccer”.


We invented the term association football which soccer is a diminuitive of.

Ffs when so many people around the world who love the game call it one thing, can’t America adapt for once and their players stop being so arseholey about it?

The USA needs not athleticism, but what it’s missing: players comfortable with the ball under pressure across all positions

A creative player who can break down defenses

A striker of any shape or size that can score at a CL level

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That whole line was very 2+2.

I remember reading posts there years ago about how USA#1 could easily become #1 in football just by moving some elite NFL players into the sport and with their sprinting speed they’d destroy the game.

Just like that.

That was before Bolt had a trial at Man U and flopped, surprising absolutely no one who knew anything about football.

To change this to lol arsenal, we remember how bad the team was 3 years ago. Half the team had a shit first touch and passing ability. They got moved on and replaced by technically gifted players.

Nuno Tavares is 10x the athlete Zinchenko is
He doesn’t have 10% of the technical ability, thus the replacement.

It’s easy to reduce a sport you don’t know much about down to athleticism and pace. Easy that is until you actually try to juggle or trap a ball well, or send a half volley to its target.

Yes, a British diminuitive.

Even more reason to change!

Strong “IT’S CALLED TABLE TENNIS” vibes itt.

Linguistic variations on football are all good.

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I’d argue Musah and Weah are both top quality on your first two points

Also they (Adams maybe too, but his time at Leeds already did that) probably both have increased their price by a cool ten Milly this tournament I bet