World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

I’d also give reds for fouls like the one Johnston of Canada made yesterday. Slide tackle through the back of a guy on a counter with 0 intent on playing the ball?
You’re off.

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I don’t remember that one but getting the ball first while taking the man with it should be fine if it’s not dangerous play, first contact with the ball being key.

PK equity swing is somewhere on the order of NFL team starting on their own 10 yard line, having a WR flop to draw DPI on a 10-yard route, and being awarded 1st and goal on the opposing 10 yard line. Probably more extreme but I’d have to do a data pull.


This one was very dangerous. I’m obviously a Canada homer but if he was sent off no issue from me.

I also quite dislike something I’ve seen a bunch lately where a last man defender gets the smallest toe on the ball, not enough to change direction or take it away from the attacker who is about to be in 1v1 then the defender clears him out but it’s not a foul because “they got the ball.”

Happened in a city game 2 weeks ago, happened vs saka in the last month and a few other times.

In basketball if a player can’t shoot the free throw the fouling team picks a replacement. They tend to shoot the free throw then get carried off. See Kobe Bryant at the end of his career with a terrible injury. Took the free throws.

It’s funny the NBA did away with being able to just foul someone without the ball on fast breaks and the pace of play is way up this year! The product is better!

But people want the opposite for soccer, a sport with 99% less scoring.

“People are going to cheat, therefore we should compound the cheating by generating 50% match equity swongz due to divers and terrible refs.”

Right, the refs aren’t calling penalties correctly. I’d probably start with that. They are absolutely terrible at this mental accounting shit. Have you seen the baseball data?

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Ok, I like that.

They’re also too worried about giving pens and reds against the hot faves.

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It’s a national pastime of every country to slag of refs and there decisions but i believe in actuality refs are actually quite good at what they do.

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the shit you say sometimes man smh lol

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Without even looking, I’m gonna guess that the very best teams tend to take more PKs than they surrender. Is that not correct?

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Billions of people around the world love it so it needs a thoroughly compelling argument to fundamentally change the game like that.

Maybe if you were starting from scratch you’d think about it but now, meh.

The big problem is still penalty shootouts which are potentially career-defining and life-ruining for a player. I think there’s a case for scrapping them as tie-breakers and with the tech we have using a stat like % possession in opponents half or box or something if we could be sure there wouldn’t be any unintended consequences.

This is because they have the ball more, take more shots and have more territory.

Now, the 3 times a game the other team has a chance to score they can foul and wipe it out with no punishment…


First of all I don’t think anyone is arguing that at all? But you’re also stating this as if these superior teams are the only ones who would now be able to foul inside the box with impunity, so really this effect should just wash out. We’re going to find out that, yes, teams who attempt to score in soccer win more soccer games. Was there some other outcome I’m supposed to think makes sense, such as teams who never create scoring chances should win more often?

A 10% chance of a goal (fk from 20 yd, indirect fk from 18ish) or just a yellow is effectively no punishment.

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They should have a special team to do it - only comes on the pitch to take a penalty.

Fractional goals!

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Who is best SA team this year?

Brazil are clear favorites