World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

Completely agree with you, but I do think the super close technological calls imply there is zero uncertainty in assigning the moment of the pass being given which is ridiculous. I think there should be some fudge factor to reflect measurement errors, and if it falls within 5 cm offside (or whatever), the original referee decision should stand.

Interestingly, offside was also a thing in field hockey but they scrapped it at some point. I played field hockey at the time, but donā€™t really remember what the impact was. Current field hockey without offside is perfectly fine, but of course itā€™s a very different game from football.

Yep. There is definitely some uncertainty still. However a line has to be drawn somewhere.

Could also be significantly improved if they removed soccer balls, replaced them with baseballs, added bases, added bats, removed goals and goalies, and modified the scoring system so that you scored runs instead of goals by rounding said bases.


I bet Riverman thinks LBWs should be awarded if the ball pitches outside leg.


A lot of what ppl call flopping are stingers

Being kicked or stepped on with cleats really hurts for like, 5 seconds!

Should there be a separate thread to discuss the rules of soccer/how it could be improved/flopping/time wasting?

Itā€™s terrible that soccer hasnā€™t figured out refereeing like those American sports that have perfected such.


We can let Riverman do it in the crapto thread?


I quite dislike the armpit offsides but as you say, the line has to be somewhere.

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My only dumb American soccer take is not understanding why the ref always waits until after a goal kick or throw in has been taken to whistle HT/FT.

In reality you could do all that and you would still find it shit. You have no vested interest in the outcome. Thatā€™s 95% of why. Itā€™s why I donā€™t ever watch Baseball, Basketball or Ice Hockey on TV. I just donā€™t care and its boring to me. With HandEgg I donā€™t find it as boring so watch the odd game here and there.

Also those issues as you call them really arenā€™t as prevalent as you think.

They donā€™t. Just most of the time and its more of ā€˜hey thatā€™s just the way itā€™s doneā€™ historical thing

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Soccer should adopt the penalty box. For the professional yellows at minimum. 11 on 10 isnā€™t much of a power play, but itā€™s something. Also the jump from foul to penalty shot is way too massive. A 30 minute major penalty would at least be something inbetween.

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all of these anti soccer takes apply to every other sport. lebron is considered a masterful flopper. in american football people fake being masked and shit all the time and stuff comes down to minute replay stuff. in baseball, people frame pitches and sell tags.

hockey though, I will say, it seems like they just beat the piss out of each other.

Really, every sport should be more like hockey, ldo.


There is diving in hockey, but itā€™s not as prevalent as in soccer and basketball. Hockey has quite a bit of more subtle embellishment, like if a player gets hooked heā€™ll make a dramatic show of how heā€™s being hooked. But thereā€™s less outright diving to the ice and holding your face in your hands like in soccer.

When hockey diving happens it is really, really funny though.

Edit: The refā€™s diving call at 5:05 in this video is the Gold Star 14/10 way to deal with diving.


2-1 lol wtf?

USA game was so fucking annoying. Goal was always going to happen in the second half. Glad it was only one.

The pk rule in soccer is fucking stupid as hell and needs to be changed. You shouldnā€™t get an 80% chance at scoring for that kind of foul A few years ago I would have told you thereā€™s no chance it would ever be changed but I have the slightest of hopes now after they fixed the red card and clear goal scoring opportunity triple punishment rule.


Also fucking play Gio Reyna for fucks sake.