World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

Damn! The Croatian players were really elite at kicking those penalties.

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Is this the first time the first scorer in et didnā€™t win?

Croatia really had no business winning that game.

Goalkeeper was their best player by miles and didnā€™t really try to score until thr 110th minute.
Very naive of Brazil to get caught out there though

Is it common that a team saves their best scorer for the end of pks knowing they might not get to shoot?

Really opens it up for one of Ronaldo, Messi, mbappe or England though.

Yes, and itā€™s dumb.

lol thatā€™s insane. Why save them for fifth then? Why not tenth? Just unbelievable mathematic incompetence.

Because they get to be the hero that wins the game!

It happened with an important shootout with Ronaldo a few years back.

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here for the lol Brazil

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brazil bracketed their penalty lineupā€¦ rodrygo who went first is one of the normal takers for real madrid isnā€™t he? unfortunately he just had a shit pen. then you leave the high pressure last kick for your ā€œheroā€

Croatiaā€™s keeper was 26% save rate going in compared to 41% for Alisson, but all those penalties by Croatia were nearly perfect.

Quite possibly the most talented side to ever get knocked out in the quarterfinals!

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So if the fifth shot isnā€™t decisive, will they let some other guy take the fifth shot and wait until thereā€™s an opportunity for a decisive shot?

Never seen that, no.

Portugal is fairly likable outside the rapist

Bruno is super talented but annoying as fuck

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Glad I havenā€™t been betting this WC bc I would have put all the money I had on Brazil, thought Croatia were their best possible matchup out of the 8 teams left

portugal is the new jersey of europeā€¦ canā€™t cheer for them.

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I guess I can see still hating Pepe after his Real years. But Leao and Felix are a joy. And Bruno playing as well as anyone. Silva also class.

before this WC the ref would be given a list and the order the players would take them in 1 to 11 (it repeats if its still tied)

They donā€™t have to do that in this WC but Iā€™d be very surprised if the teams havenā€™t figured out who is taking and when. And I think its almost impossible that the coach is just doing it on the fly as they are being taken

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