World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

gotta love when you sub someone on in the 119th presumably because they can kick penalties… and they get it saved… lol

hahahahah fu spain

LOL Spain.

Panenka undefeated

i cannot stress enough how TERRIBLE those pk’s from spain were.

i doubt i’ve seen 3 in a row that were worse

How in the hell does Spain go 0-fer on Penalties

I will never understand why penalty shooters don’t go right down the middle far more often than they do.

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Hit the bricks Spain!


guess your teammates don’t hate you as much when EVERYONE fails

They still haven’t found what they’re looking for.



Those penalties from Spain may have legitimately been worse than the ones from Japan yesterday.

One step closer to Portugal vs Argentina world cup finale.

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I’m cheering for Morocco to go all the way!


Beautiful Day

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I assume the only reason you kick a low dribbler to either side on a pk is that you lack confidence in your ability to bang one up into the corner? So you just opt into a 50/50 that the goalkeeper dives the wrong way?

Or you’ve tricked the keeper to commit and stick it the other side. It’s called sending the keeper the wrong way.

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Didn’t expect a team to do worse in PKs than Japan yesterday, but here we are.

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Portugal doing the right thing benching R

Is he playing poorly or does he just need a rest?