World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

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Saudi were tough in the last group stage of qualifying. Australia/Japan/Saudi playing for two spots and we couldn’t score vs them. Very compact and we didn’t have enough creativity to beat them. They aren’t inherently bad but some teams just aren’t well designed to play in any way that isn’t on the counter.

I think people are reading too much into small sample sizes of tournaments (which is why tournaments are great). There are still plenty of good teams not here that could be across just about every confederation.

I think going 64 would be better than 48 and the players/clubs would go for it if it included a lot less domestic qualifiers in season.

Yes. 48 teams is going to blow

Literally everyone gets in

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There is a lot of fairly uncompetitive soccer in the group stage as it is. They need to at least keep it as 4 teams/group. With the current plan you literally have the same number of games as now.

If they did 12 groups of 4 they could do:

-8 byes in group stage (use current tiebreak rules to sort out who the top 8 group winners are.
-remaining 4 group winners play the bottom 4 2nd place teams.
-The other 8 2nd place group teams play each other and the winners play the teams with byes.
-Proceed from there.

Wouldn’t that also make them more money than the same number of games with a shittier product?

That’s way more games overall. Right now we are at 64

12 groups of 4 would mean 72 games just in the group stage

The winners could have to play 8 games instead of 7

Isn’t that good for FIFA? Why expand for the same number of games with worse teams?

It’s what 95 games vs 64?

The issue is this. Europes extra 4 teams will be ok

Africas extra teams will be trash

Oh look now Panama and Trinidad and Barbados are in the WCF

It’s two things. The group games will suck more too

Seeds 1-11 won’t be in the same group

Also with 12 groups and 15 euro teams. Only a few groups will have double euro

Going to be a lot of groups like this

South Korea

Costa Rica
New Zealand

Just more games and more trash games that no one cares about.

So Italy and other good teams don’t miss?

Juat in general they can sell more tickets and drag the event out longer.

FWIW I’m in favor of leaving it as is. Their current plan basically guts the group stage which is the best part.

Yeah, this. It’s one of FIFAs dumbest ideas. Not “Let’s hold a WC in Qatar” level, but not that far off.

Having everyone but the last place team in every group advance is crazy to me.

Sorry it’s 16! groups of 3

So you will have -0- euro teams in the group stage together

Where as now. At least half the groups have two euro teams

There will be 48 group stage games and 31 knockout games. No one cares about 3 v 4 at the end

16 groups where the only interesting groups will be Brazil v euro v x

Or Argentina v euro v x

Can’t wait to see group K

China, sure. Not sure how many teams they’re gonna need for India to qualify, but it’s gotta be a lot more than 48.

I haven’t checked how they did in qualifying. It’s just based on the fact that India doesn’t do shit developing any sport except for cricket.

Aren’t there 32 group stage games in the new plan? Plus 31 knockout games and the 3rd place game?

It’s the same number of games I’m pretty sure. And less competive games.

Currently there are 64 total games

In 2026 there will be 80

The odd number groups is dumb too. As pointed out. Teams an and b play on day 1. Then 5 days later a plays c. Then 5 days later. B plays c

Also your team only gets two games for sure

Ahh ya I am miscounting the group stage. It’s 48+32 you are right.

Eta-How do you do the last match day in this format? Won’t the one team who has to play their 2nd game first be at a disadvatage?

There seem to be huge scheduling disadvantages not to mention the massive amount of dead rubbers on the third round of group games between 1st and 2nd in the group. I’m shocked they didn’t do something like 12 groups of 4, top 2 from each group auto qualify and then the top 8 (of 12) best performing third place teams also qualify. This is what Euro champs do since they expanded to 24 (obviously half the amount of groups and top 4 of 6 third place finishers)

I think they want to make it easier for the big boys to

  1. Qualify
  2. Get out of the groups

Groups E

They just need to win 1 game to advance. Even 0-1-1 might get you through if you lose 1-0

Really devalues the qualifying and then the group stage

Can’t wait to see the concacaf hex in 2030

Oh wait. Entire hex is in + maybe more

nope. I refuse to believe they’re that stupid. won’t happen.

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