Presidential Debate Thread: Take 2 (Tonight at 9 PM Eastern)

Mumblin’ Joe

Hope he clears his throat

Sounds like Biden has laryngitis, I’m shook

Watching trump get mad with a muted mic is hilarious

He’s been practicing so much, he’'s lost his voice.

Biden looks and sounds not great.

Mrs spidercrab: we’re doomed

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What is going on, he giving a speech

JFC. Welcome to the first day of the Trump presidency.

weekend at Bidens

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1 minute in and Joe lost the timber in his voice. Too much prep maybe

Trumps bravado is so much better. Not great!

They need to triple Biden mic volume and inject some steroids into his throat

Was a good run fellas


i imagine this is how the JFK vs Nixon debates looked.

‘Illegal immigrants’ within a minute

My son is watching and is not very happy with the early going

God why do I have this on? Making me so nervous

Would should have run mayor Pete

Joe looks every second of his 107 years.


The real choice was this or Kamala.