Working out / health and fitness

I am doing “be your own gym”. It’s a 3 dvd set and i still havent managed to get to the third one because setbacks always interfere somehow.

The jumping stuff I usually do in our practice facility which is almost next door or do it without jumping but holding weights.

HIIT cardio + whole body workout. I know I could just use the stairs (our house has three floors / four if you include the basement), but I just prefer doing a whole body exercise.
As I live out in the country I could even start running again (haven’t been able to for more than half a year because of a bone spur), but I would rather start a muscle building program + HIIT first

I’m cool with burpees, usually do them as a little cardio boost on upper body lift days or during HIIT kickboxing classes I’ve been going to

Yeah I can do cardio if I take some ventolin first. Asthma makes cardio so much less fun - it’s frustrating not being tired at all but being out of breath.

Haven’t done any regular jogging or running in 15 years. I’ll try and convince myself to do a few laps around a track.



You could start slow. Just doing a little circuit at home maybe ? What sort of exercise did you used to enjoy?

Do you like working out with music? A pod cast?

Start with something really really really small. Like 2 sets of 10 airsquats. Morning and night. Only do more if you feel like it.

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I was back at it today, with another lower body workout. Including pistol squats as per @Rugby!

Warmup: 2 sets of 10, BW squats, planks lifting alternate feet off the ground, kicks, side lunges
Sumo deadlift: 3 x 5
Super set 1: Kettlebell swings, single leg dumbbell RDLs
Super set 2: Pistol squats, ab roller

Pistol squats went pretty well. I used the bench as a chair and just focused on trying to stabilize them.

Back to upper body tomorrow.

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Very nice workout!

Today was a weights/circuit day

Superset of

  • 1 leg chair squats (raised)
  • press 68.5 kg

Power cleans 5 x 3 x 86kg


  • banded Goblet squats
  • 3 x chinups
  • bar pressups. Wide position
  • kettle bell swings 32kg

Was using my new chinup bar for the first time

It’s free standing but folds away. I don’t think a door system would give me the height I need or hold my weight, so i was pretty happy when I found this even though it’s pretty big.

Pictures below show it folded and set up. Set up takes about 30 seconds and is real easy.

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Jealous of your home gyms. My 600sqft apt can’t fit any of that shit. Just bought an exercise ball and bowflex adjustable dumbells (go up to 52.5lb each, meh) which were delivered yesterday. Now to modify my usual SS-ish workout to something doable with dumbells, here goes nothing.


Solid brag :wink:

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One of the key takeaways from Starting Strength is that compound movements are the key to effective training. With dumbbells you can get a pretty great workout.

Overhead press
Floor press (assuming no bench)
Goblet squats
Walking lunges or split squats

Also, one of my very favorite exercises with dumbbells is the Turkish Get Up. Try some!

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Oo good call, I used to do Turkish getups but haven’t in years–had completely forgotten! I did them with kettlebells back then, not sure if dumbells will be easier or harder tbh.

I’m finding leg movements the trickiest to replicate. RDL is a good one. Today I tried goblet squats and tried to replicate a deadlift motion, both of which worked pretty well but I’ve got to ramp reps up to get anything at 52.5/105lbs respectfully. Split squats also a good one.

I’ve found the exercise ball adds a lot of options, I can use it for bench/incline-ish presses and get a better range of motion than on the floor, also did some pullovers today which was fun with the instability.

Edit: OK just tried TGUs and they seem way harder with dumbells lol, I think the few extra inches of vertical height that the center of gravity gets (in your palms vs down your forearm a bit when you’re holding kettlebells) makes it much harder to stabilize. Great exercise.

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I’ve been doing bodyweight exercises and running a few miles as impromptu workouts but now have a barbell, 295lbs worth of bumper plates, and two 25lb kettlebells. I can do a lot with this. 295lbs not very heavy for some things, but perhaps more reps or the shame of olympic lifting will suffice for the next 18 or so months.

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Back on upper body today. Here’s my program, may it inspire you all, lol.

Warm up with pass thrus, Y raises, rotator cuff mobility
3x8 barbell floor press
3x8 barbell rows
3x8 incline press on the bench
3x8 barbell curls
Finish with push up tester (see below)

Worked in some curls to improve the gun show. May need to attract a new mate if there is a total collapse of society.

For push ups what I like to do is an endurance progression: do 1 push up, rest 10 seconds, do two pushups, rest 20 seconds, do 3 pushups, etc., to failure. It’s fun.

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Take this as an opportunity to learn the Olympic lifts. I’m 46 workouts in on my bar and still just figuring out how to clean. Another 9 months of this and I could be half decent. If we run over a year I may have to add snatch or some of the fancier ones.

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How are you doing barbell floor press without a rack?

Don’t normally work out, but need to stay healthy during pandemic. All I have is a kettlebell and my body weight. What should I do?

ETA: so far I have been doing pushups, some type of squat thing, rows, and two arm curls

I am considering it. Do you watch any videos in particular to learn how to do them?

I am small so I fit under the ball. I set the bar at my hips and do a hip bridge to get the bar up over my shoulders

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100 burpees a day never hurt anyone either.