Right - I really don’t have any good doors to put that over. Also I don’t know how to find the studs. Also I can’t even do close to a real pullup anyway. I have long arms, I’m fat and not super strong. So I’d have to add rubber bands to help pull me up.
So, I can’t really do a ton of pullups either. I have strong legs and abs and played basketball and wrestled growing up and then golf and tennis so my triceps are bigger than my biceps possibly. My upper body is so weak.
Pullups are so good for all around growth. I’m going to link this program for women who can’t pass the pullup test for the Marines because I’ve followed it at times and it helps. I still suck at pullups so bad.
This girl developed a program on pullups from 0-20 that the military adopted.
Yeah the one motion I can’t really replicate right now is pull up/lat pull down. I’m going to try the bar on the rack though just for giggles.
Well I probably shouldn’t since the posts have almost no side to side support. If I get swinging from side to side. I could easily see the rack breaking.
I just bought this one. Deal closer was delivery this Sunday. It’s a little less wide and long than the others, which is good - but should be fine for me at 250 lbs.
Just making sure. I’ve never had an issue with those. Dips otoh seems like something is always straining. But I’m looking forward to starting slow and small and working my way up. I got some heavy duty exercise bands to help with the pullups. Might use them for the dips too until everything feels good.
I never had it checked out by a doctor, but over ten years ago I did core after most workouts and one session I was doing knee raises to failure like a champ and then yeah, something failed, felt like something ripped across my abdomen region and I was bent over for 20 minutes on the mat sweating not sure if I needed to call an ambulance. But it mostly went away, and within a few days I was back doing regular workouts minus core. It’s never been a problem since except if I do abs specifically. Like intense running, tennis, 300ish DLs are all fine, but if I try to do crunches to fatigue it feels like my guts are going pour out a little bit. Could just be regular muscle spasms, but unlikely.
Bah, my VR headset didn’t come today and I’m still not able to lift from a recent back strain (I maybe could but I don’t want to push it). Has anyone done VR workouts? Have a favorite? Beat Saber seems popular.
I was kinda thinking about getting a VR device in the abstract, but what sold me is that Oculus (owned by FB) released a new and improved model like 2 weeks ago for $299, and I’m pretty sure FB is taking a loss on sales to goose the market. I think there’s a backlog of orders for a few weeks (and like 1 month for the $49 improved head attachment). I need to do more cardio, and if this works to promote engaging, immersive cardio then it will definitely be worth it.
I mean I never had any hint of pain or weirdness in my abs on my DL maxes of a little over 300 lbs., I just don’t do any targeted ab work and I haven’t had any problems.