Wordle 320 X/6
Dude seriously fuck off with that
Wordle 320 X/6
Dude seriously fuck off with that
Daily Quordle 101
xordle #34 8/9
My seventh guess should have failed me automatically
Fibble #34 5/9 4/4🏴
My fourth guess should have failed me automatically. Still, 34/34 on fibble
Daily Quordle 101
Wordle 320 5/6
xordle #35 8/9
Fibble #35 9/9 6/6🏴
Wordle 320 3/6*
Daily Quordle 101
Got an unexpected bingo on my random 3rd guess at xordle.
Wordle 321 3/6
xordle #36 5/9
Fibble #36 8/9 5/5🏴
Wordle 321 4/6*
Fuck today’s quordle imo.
xordle #36 8/9
Fibble #36 3/9
Daily Quordle 102
Quordle was ridiculous
Daily Quordle 102
Daily Quordle 102
OK I’m a little high right now but I got today’s wordle in four and it’s not even a real word? Like, that’s not a word, right?
Xordle was a head scratcher today
xordle #37 8/9
I failed Quordle despite my last word being a ygygg on guess 8 because I’m an idiot who doesn’t take his time
I have heard of something being described as “in our midst” on occasion. It’s not that unusual.
OK, this is definitely not a word at all. Got it in 5, but come on that’s not even a word.
Wordle 323 6/6*
Phew. It’s definitely a word, but it’s opposite is in much more common usage as in “the uncanny valley.”
Seems the last couple of wordle words would be more familiar to UK English speakers judging by recent posts.
Wordle 323 3/6*
Wordle 323 3/6
xordle #38 8/9