Off to a great start but settled into mediocrity
Wordle 247 4/6*
Off to a great start but settled into mediocrity
Wordle 247 4/6*
Very nearly failed this. Also looks like the clocks are no more.
Daily #8
Wordle 247 3/6
Yeah I have 13 top 100 and 32 top 1000. Probably should just ask my wife so she can get it first guess
They’re probably going to do the same thing as their crosswords and ramp up difficulty as the week progresses.
Wordle 247 4/6*
Daily Quordle #28
Another 4567
One thing I’ve noticed the way I play dordle and quordle is that I have sort of naturally gravitated to an approach that takes the least amount of actual time. When I bang out three or four standard openers I spend very little actual time coming up with guesses for words.
Wordle hard mode takes me longer than a dordle on average.
Same thing kind of happened to me in nerdle the other day. After two I had all the info to get it on 3, but that would have required a few minutes of thought. So I just put in something I knew was wrong in for guess #3, and that narrowed it down so that I had it in #4 in seconds.
Daily Dordle #0028 5&3/7
Some pretty educated guesses in quordle
Daily Quordle #28
Same, I was scratching my head for too long on the 3rd guess
nerdlegame 33 3/6
Last word I got was a bit challenging
Daily Octordle #28
Me too. Kind of. After about 10s, I just did this again:
Today’s semantle was not good. (Maybe they’ve all been bad and I’ve just had a good run of guesses)
word was seek. My top guesses were try, propose, strive, need, ask. Look was 700th closest word
Yeah I guess I enjoy trying to work it out in as few steps as possible as opposed to as quickly as possible.
Wordle 247 3/6*
I solved Semantle #24 in 4 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 16.77. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #4. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 10.03.
Daily #8
Maybe lucky, but I’ve played sedecordle four times and all but once got this score (3 to 18 with no misses). Seems like if you have two good openers, there’s always one that’s easy to get in 3. From there, you have most of the common letters in, so you can start picking off the rest and accruing letters as you go. Octordle is harder, but similar, not much variety in results.
nerdlegame 34 3/6
Ha 6 for me.
Yeah, I kind of do, in theory. I guess if I get to the point that I know I could do it (and I try to be honest in my assessment) that’s good enough, and then at that point I’m just trying to be done.
Quordle/Dordle is a bit different in that regard.
Yea, SEEK made no sense with the words I had. GIVE, RECEIVE, PROVIDE were all 990+/1000 I think.
Anyway, just got nerdle in 1 lol
nerdlegame 34 1/6