Wordle 233 3/6
2nd word was lucky
Eta but not literally ‘lucky’
Wordle 233 3/6
2nd word was lucky
Eta but not literally ‘lucky’
Everything was going so well until the last one.
Daily Quordle #14
Daily Dordle #0014 4&6/7
Wordle 233 4/6*
Can’t do better than this lol
nerdlegame 19 2/6
I’ve seen so much lazy, flawed analysis when it comes to supposed data driven first words i was skeptical of this until I saw it was a 3blue1brown video. That dude does not miss anything.
Wordle 233 4/6*
Thought I was going to brick dordle for the first time (1/3 chance of getting it right).
Daily Dordle #0014 5&7/7
Ugh I should’ve done this one in two I think
nerdlegame 19 3/6
Yeah, he is the GOAT of maths videos.
Wordle 233 5/6*
Lol better Dordle than Wordle.
Daily Dordle #0014 3&4/7
Wordle 233 5/6*
Suboptimal choices almost led to me losing this one
Wordle 233 6/6*
Daily Dordle #0014 3&6/7
Did better than most people on the Wordle today, but Quardle humbled me, had a plausible guess miss on each of 3 of the words that I got. Hard to give up that many moves and recover.
Wordle 233 3/6
Daily Quordle #14
Did a free quordle, and I feel like I got just exceptionally mean words
Wordle 233 5/6*
Daily Dordle #0014 5&3/7
Daily Quordle #14
First try qordling. Got way too sucked in on the bottom left puzzle blowing two guesses after thinking I had it narrowed down to a single word. Barely managed to recover.
Sick brag
What the fuck
His first word is consistent with the analysis that I posted from 538 (nate had nothing to do with it as far as I can tell). Their best first word was TRACE, this dude got CRATE.
Today’s nerdle fucking sucked
Daily Dordle #0014 5&6/7
I just looked at the 538 analysis. 3b1b chose CRANE, not CRATE, and obviously the order of the letters has a small effect, so I was curious about the different methodologies. 538 posed the much more solvable question of what word to use to maximize your odds of winning in 3 guesses or less. So only the quantity, not quality, matters after the 2nd guess. Looks like 3b1b’s CRANE selection went for minimizing the EV of your final score using qualitative values and brute force checking at least two levels deep (correct me if I’m wrong, that part of the video sped through the explanation). I might use TRACE just because my final unachieved wordle goal is to get an answer in 2 guesses, but the 3b1b analysis is way more thorough and probably a more correct “best” first guess by most people’s definition.
I guess I should have watched the vid first.
Although, I didn’t actually read the 538 article either.