Wordle 225 5/6*
Wordle 225 5/6*
Wordle 225 4/6
Wordle 225 4/6*
Wordle 225 4/6
Not sure if has been mentioned already, but Dordle is great. All the fun of Wordle but just a bit tougher to make it interesting.
Much more interesting strategy
Daily Dordle #0006 5&6/7
The 10k+ list is words you the player are allowed to enter as answers. You’re allowed to enter basically any five letter English word, but there’s a separate list of like 2k words that will actually appear as answers, and I believe that that list is what people were saying has no plural nouns.
Right, but I read that the daily word is chosen manually.
The list you saw is to validate people’s guesses.
I’m aware of the two different lists. I haven’t seen them, but I’m curious as to what logic they used to eliminate 80% of 5 letter words from being the answer.
Idk how much this makes up of the discarded words, but English has a lot of archaic or jargon words that only a small percentage of the population is familiar with. It makes the game more accessible if you discard things like scientific classification words (e.g. x type of rock, y type of animal) or obsolete Chaucer-era words and variant spellings.
Wordle 225 4/6
I was very confident guess #3 was going to be correct.
I like this version.
Daily Dordle #0006 4&5/7
Wow that’s an interesting twist. Look at this bink on guess 4 when I used the second word as a guess to rule in/out letters for the first.
Daily Dordle #0006 5&4/7
That was fun
Daily Dordle #0006 5&6/7
Daily Dordle #0006 7&5/7
Very wtf on the left word.
Wordle 226 6/6*
Fuck that
Wordle 225 3/6
Thought long and hard again on that 3rd try.
Wordle 226 3/6*
That’s hard luck. I was lucky I got the L on my second attempt
Daily Dordle #0006 3&4/7