Wordle 449 4/6*
Kinda pull that right out of my ass.
xordle #164 4/8
Fibble #164 4/8 3/3🏴
Strong day.
Wordle 449 4/6*
Kinda pull that right out of my ass.
xordle #164 4/8
Fibble #164 4/8 3/3🏴
Strong day.
Wordle 449 3/6
Hopefully not literally. Ouch!
Wordle 450 6/6*
Oh come on.
xordle #165 8/8
Fibble #165 6/8 6/6🏴
Pretty tough all around for me today.
Wordle 450 5/6
xordle #165 7/8
Fibble #165 5/8 4/4🏴
Felt like doing this one today.
Word500, Standard, 12-SEP-2022
No hints used, score = 7/8
Wordle 452 3/6
xordle #167 6/8
Fibble #167 7/8 2/2🏴
More of a struggle than I would have thought.
Wordle 452 3/6*
Fibble #167 3/8 3/3🏴
xordle #167 5/8
Wordle 454 5/6
xordle #169 4/8
I like artsy xordle more than cutesy xordle.
Fibble #169 8/8 6/6🏴
Rough time, but got there.
Wordle 454 X/6*
xordle #169 6/8
Fibble #169 5/8 5/5🏴
I failed the Wordle today too, for the first time. Mine looked very close to yours
Wordle crushed a ton of folks today.
I also failed. Thankfully I failed a month or so ago and forgot to do it a couple weeks later so my streak was already shattered
Wordle 456 6/6
lol me. moran
xordle #171 6/8
Fibble #171 4/8
Getting better at fibs.
Wordle 456 2/6
xordle #171 5/8
Fibble #171 2/8 2/2🏴
Great day today.
Wordle 456 3/6*
This was fun too.
Word500, Advanced, 18-SEP-2022
No hints used, score = 7/8
Wordle 456 4/6*
Fibble #171 5/8 5/5🏴
xordle #171 5/8
Wordle 457 4/6*
This might be the first time a Wordle answer has pushed my vocabulary. I’ve put in some guesses that I didn’t think were really words that turned out to be accepted, but here I came off the right answer to swap that middle vowel because I didn’t think TRICE was a word.
xordle #172 5/8
Fibble #172 4/8 3/3🏴
Wordle 457 3/6
Thought I had my 2nd straight day of getting it in 2.
Also, WTF is trice?
xordle #172 7/8
Fibble #172 7/8 4/4🏴
Wordle 457 3/6
Add me to Team “I did not think that was a word.” Only tried it b/c (1) it felt like that space should be a vowel and (2) Obie Trice is dope.
Wordle 458 4/6
xordle #173 5/8