Wonderlic Test

My friend sent me this today and I found it pretty interesting. I had heard of the NFL testing QBs but never knew the specifics. This is the test they use. You can take it yourself in the link below and see what some of this years QBs scored.

12 minutes to answer 50 questions. One point for a correct answer, no penalty for incorrect. A score of 20 is supposed to reflect “average intelligence”. I got a 40 on my first try, and think I can definitely bump that up some. I also think the average score on Unstuck has to be north of 35.

I’d looooooooooove to know what trump and Biden would score on this.


Scored a 39, finished with roughly 10 seconds to spare.

Its not the toughest test, but man the race against the clock is always on your mind. Im sure I missed the folded cube questions because my brain doesn’t quite work like that so I just threw and answer at them to get to the next one and have a little extra time on stuff I have a shot at if I need to do some quick mental math.


45 with a few beers in

Know I blew the last question. Wonder what else I blew.


I took it once for a job. I got laid off when the tech bubble burst in 2001 and ended up going to grad school. Once I had been accepted to a school, I got a call center job for four months just to make some money. Had to take the Wonderlic in a conference room with other applicants. I don’t remember my exact score. It was a 47 or 48.

The HR person called me up, told me my score and said, “Yeah, uh, you obviously got the job.” They even gave me a few more bucks per hour.

As you guys saw, the questions are extremely easy. The tough part is the time limit. I don’t think I got any wrong - I just skipped a couple if I didn’t immediately know the answer and never had time to go back to them. Getting a 50 is very impressive.

Also, those who get single-digits either aren’t trying or have had a major failing in their education.


Yea I was surprised how much the knowledge of a time limit slowed me down. If I spent more than 5 seconds on a question I started to panic and not be able to think clearly.

Honest estimates on a Trump score? O/U 12.5? Biden O/U 19.5?

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Did you guys use pen/pencil? I ran out of time at q40 trying to do the math in my head. A mere 37 here.

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Didnt use paper or a calc. Just did best estimates on calcs that would have required paper.

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No, I had a pen and paper ready, but just did it all mentally. Quickly decided that was more efficient than writing anything out. Pretty sure 37 is still a very good score.

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37 out of 40 is damn good though

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I guessed on the last few just to beat the buzzer, I’m pretty there was some run good just to get above 35. Having not done those kinds of math problems in what feels like decades, this seemed relatively challenging to me given the time element. No way Sleepy Joe scores over 20 imo.

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Middle school level math done mentally quickly has always been my forte. I know I missed the last math question. Wouldnt be surprised if my other misses were the language questions.

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I couldn’t fold those cubes to save my life.

  1. Ran out of time on 50. Not sure what the other one I missed was.

One of the questions threw me off as it made absolutely no sense. The one that gave you two company’s revenues but then asked which graph best represents the number of acquisitions each company made. Thought I was missing something about how acquisitions and revenue were related. Finally realized it was probably just a bad question and they wanted a graph showing the revenues.

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#Throwback Thursday

So my Mathcounts experience…

the big middle school math competition.

6th grade: 6th graders aren’t officially allowed, but I’m still able to compete for kicks. They do show an unofficial rankings for the local comp. I am 5th behind 4 8th graders. Enough for me to be able to go on to state…but 6th graders weren’t allowed at this time…

7th grade: Think I crush it. While sitting there eating lunch math coach gets called away. Ends up getting told “um yeah one of your competitors killed it…but the byrules say if you had a 6th grader on your team, everyone is ineligible…”

Yeah don’t think I’ve been more upset

I still remember my reaction was to boot up WCW vs nWo World Tour for the N64. Set up the match so I could beat Ric Flair with a chair for a solid hour.

I do remember sending a pretty brutal email to the mathcounts admins after that. My understanding is the emails sent out after this happened let to Mathcounts changing their rules so both 6th graders were allowed, and you could compete without a team.

Well I raged enough I placed 9th the next year. Top 4 I would have gotten to shake hands with W, pre 9/11.

To this day I will still say I would have gotten top 4 if one thing had happened.

There was a pre meet up with parents. Mom thought she would make me more nervous. I didn’t think she would make me more nervous. But I wanted to ask her for one thing. This is where I still show I am from Kentucky.

Dammit I’m not kidding, I wanted a Mountain Dew before the final round.

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Scored 32 having only gotten to problem 33. Doubting myself and double or triple checking on the visual ones cost me.

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46, didn’t time it but I think I had like a minute to spare.


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I think the main point of the test is that every few years some NFL prospect gets a cartoonishly low score and we all laugh at him. I’m not sure it serves any other purpose.

  1. I’m fairly sure I missed every single visual/spacial one.
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LOL wasn’t paying any attention to time and got 24 of 27 I answered. Definitely have a countdown timer in your face when you’re doing this

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I can’t wait to get a bunch of trump supporters to take this. That’ll show them.

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