Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Does that mean we should lower the minimum wage when overpopulation is a pressing concern?

Isnā€™t that effectively what we did?

After the places this dude has been to in the world he finally gets attacked in the USAā€¦

Tbfā€¦ They did push it to far

If you watch all there stuff youā€™ll realise that these 2 guys are winding up this dude here for no reason than to be/make a scene and tbh itā€™s fucking so wrong

I knew this had to come at some point - the current situation with politicians and political media figures getting ratioed and dunked on was unsustainable. No replies at all or only letting followers reply is going to make political twitter exponentially worse.

Can people follow whoever they want? I donā€™t have a Twitter so no clue how it actually works.

Seems like making a controversial statement that people want to dunk on and then forcing them to follow you to dunk on it is an awesome way to wrack up huge follower numbers. What could go wrong?

lol twitter, isnā€™t their whole refusal to police nazis an ever so principled love of free expression, or something?

Tech bros are somehow even worse than law bros.

You can set your account up so people have to ask you to allow them to follow you, which is probably what anybody who sets replies to followers only will do.

If they do that Iā€™m finally going to get up the gumption to quit twitter. Itā€™s such a huge net negative for me anyway. Actually as soon as Chiefs season is over I should just do it anyway.

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This forum needs to figure out what ā€œthunderdomeā€ means.


Tit for tat

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Dammit Teen Vogue - you were one of the good ones

Someone got a Twitter problemā€¦ I blame Trump :roll_eyes:

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How exactly does an IP address get compromised?

Canā€™t ppl hack your wifi?

I donā€™t really know how that works. Not sure twitter is where I would go to discuss it though.