Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Can you tell he’s divorced?

Is CTE possible in baseball?

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If I tweeted something like that I’d be divorced asap. Obviously it’d be a deal breaker for me if it wasn’t a deal breaker for her. Holy fuck.

Where is this??? Buying flights shortly

It’s right there on the label, Costco #401 in San Diego.

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Oh shittt as if I needed another reason to move there

Took me a while to get that one because I thought Aubrey was a woman (sounds like a woman’s name) being sarcastic.

Don’t worry, if they don’t find a forever home they will be able to play with their friends forever at the Rainbow Bridge.

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That Huff guy is an absolute lock to have committed a sex crime.

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I know most people here see Yang as some sort of caricature but if anyone is curious on why Yang has gone from an unknown to where he is I suggest you read this.

He is probably the smartest person that has ever ran for president and it amazes me how clearly he sees the problems and articulates them.

DN: The author Yuval Noah Harari speaks about this unemployed demographic as “useless.” It’s kind of a blatant term, not very kind, but in some ways it’s accurate. What you’re saying, however, is that unemployed people aren’t necessarily useless, but there is a need to channel them and somehow make them useful even though they’re perhaps not earning the paycheck they once earned.

AY: Well, this is the big leap we have to make, which is that when you say someone’s useless, as viewed by the marketplace, it’s because you’re accepting the marketplace’s valuation on his or her time. Like right now a truck driver’s time is worth $45,000 a year. And then tomorrow when the truck can drive itself we’re going to say now your time is valued at much, much less. So it’s not that the human has changed—their work ethic hasn’t changed, their character hasn’t changed. It’s just that now technology has advanced to the point to where the truck can drive itself. And it’s not just going to be truck drivers, it’s going to be radiologists and accountants and many attorneys. So it doesn’t correspond to any of the mythology that we’ve been told about character or work ethic or even education, because some of the affected workers are going to be highly educated. So we have to form a new definition of usefulness that gets beyond the values that the market is placing upon us, because the market is going to turn on more and more of us, and if we listen to it for too long we are going to end up shrinking inward and devouring ourselves.*


I spent about thirty seconds thinking it was Aubrey Plaza making fun of the original tweet.

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Pierre Verdrager, a sociologist and author of “L’Enfant Interdit,” or “Forbidden Child,” a book on the politics surrounding pedophilia in the 1970s, said that what united its defenders was the belief that France had an “aristocracy” that was not bound to ordinary norms of conduct.

While the ordinary French appeared revolted by the apologists, writers were considered part of this elite and were even expected to engage in acts of moral transgression, Mr. Verdrager said.

“There was an aristocracy of sexuality, an elite that was united in putting forth new attitudes and behavior toward sex,” Mr. Verdrager said. “And they were also grounded in an extreme prejudice toward ordinary people, whom they regarded as idiots and fools.”

Good thing France grew out of that a long time ago though.

PARIS — The French writer Gabriel Matzneff never hid the fact that he engaged in sex with girls and boys in their early teens or even younger. He wrote countless books detailing his insatiable pursuits and appeared on television boasting about them. “Under 16 Years Old,” was the title of an early book that left no ambiguity.

Still, he never spent a day in jail for his actions or suffered any repercussion. Instead, he won acclaim again and again. Much of France’s literary and journalism elite celebrated him and his work for decades. Now 83, Mr. Matzneff was awarded a major literary prize in 2013 and, just two months ago, one of France’s most prestigious publishing houses published his latest work.


Where do you people come up with this stuff.

I think less than half this forum would put him in the top 5 of democratic candidates for intelligence.

You should try lattes, it’s hot sweet milk, if you do it right you don’t taste the awful coffee at all!

same place as the trump 4d chess crap?

I guess you would have to define how you measure intelligence but LOL at thinking he isn’t one of the 5 smartest people running for president.

Oh good we’re doing this again.

Let’s finally nail down “What is rich?” once and for all while we’re at it. I say $600k/year in Manhattan is middle class GOGOGOGOGOGOOOOO

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Could you define “this”?

While I don’t think $500k in Manhattan is rich with kids, and in fact believe it is no better than middle class, I also have absolutely zero sympathy for the $500k income people who complain about it.