Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

It’s near an active fault zone, the Wasatch, which is considered overdue for a bigger earthquake. I don’t think you experience them ever few years, but you should have several memorable ones in your lifetime if you live there.

~Coin flip of a 7.0 in the next 50 years on the Wasatch is what I’m hearing. There are a lot of old brick buildings here. I live in one. Many public buildings have only recently been retrofitted to withstand earthquakes.

And 7.0 is not that bad in CA where most stuff is built for it, but it’ll eff up old brick buildings. The quake that killed 50k people in Armenia was < 6 iirc.

I’ll be sure to plow through that over 79 “read one sentence then nap” cycles.

When I learned that a foul tip that goes back to the wall behind the batter is the same as knocking it 400’ out of the park I lost all interest. Americans would never stand for that commie bullshit.

Clearly baseball is cricket remembered from afar and hey, since we can’t remember all the damn rules anyway - why don’t we remove the parts that suck?

There is a lot to say there, but I’ll just put that in the playground—mine, at least—if you edged it you were just automatically out (caught at slip).

It’s odd that someone who still plays a lot of NLHE doesn’t enjoy a game with periods of boredom interspersed with periods of high drama.

You deciphered that well…foul tip… back to the wall…wtf?

I used to be one of those sick idiots1 who would just watch any sport, so I have watched a fair amount of baseball in my time.

1 I still am, just I have some sort of life now that sadly gets in the way.

I can’t wait 3.5 days for the drama.

Yeah edged it to the caught at slip makes a lot more sense.

I guess you’re more of a 20/20 man which only lasts a few hours - it’s still like an adult’s version of baseball, even if it does have all the difficult parts removed.

We have our baseball <-> cricket translator. Very valuable.

What’s the difference between a tea bag and the English cricket team?

A tea bag stays in the cup longer.

What’s the England version of LBW?

Lost. Beaten. Walloped.

What is the height of optimism?

An English batsman putting on sunscreen.


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I’m picturing some poor little kid crying because he can’t play baseball anymore and has to learn cricket.

I’m here for the cricket trash talking though. Jolly good fun!

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Why does the English cricket team not need a Corona Vaccine?

Because they never catch anything… Boom Boom!!

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What did the cricket fan miss when he went to the bar?

The entire England innings.

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They’re very similar, obviously. I think a baseball fan could get in to cricket. To the casual observer one ball in either sport looks pretty much like any other, but if you get to know it then in both there’s a constant battle about placement, speed, ball type, height/length, fielding strategies and so on. Then more widely about pitcher / bowler choice vs types of batters, game conditions etc. Though maybe I only like that aspect of baseball because I like cricket.

I’m picturing one group of kids eagerly playing cricket competitively and another who don’t like sport playing rounders, our version of baseball.