Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

My granddad had one of these cabinets as a child they were fascinating :rofl:

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grunching but that sketch looks nothing like him.

Tom Brady finally off the hook for worst courtroom sketch

It’s not a great pictorial representation, but it more than makes up for it in artistic merit.

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You have a stronger constitution than I. When I was 3/4 through C&K I canceled my library hold for the other book. I was so enraged I couldn’t read about it again so soon.

Belongs in the stuff to cheer you up in these dark times thread.

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The reason 78% of Americans are broke is because our economy is based on promoting endless consumerism while extracting economic rents and locking people into perpetual debt while shifting all the profits upwards into the hands of a few. These videos are just victim blaming with overly simplistic bullshit and thinly veiled conceit.

You want to help Americans not be broke? Stop lecturing them and start attacking the oligarchy instead.


If the bottom 20% were all suddenly so frugal that they could easily live on their pay without worry or debt, wages would drop.


This is exactly correct.

later that evening

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In Canada in junior high they had us read nickel and dimed by Ehrenreich. That is worth a million people like Ramsey.

Maybe you should just slow down on the massive generalizations?

You’re utterly insufferable these days. But you don’t see me painting all Bernie supporters with that brush.


Not sure the joke works for me. Liz Warren supporters tend to actually be really smart, whereas the joke about conspiracy theorists is their rampant Dunning-Kruger syndrome.

Victor’s brain has gone AWOL for a couple months now. Hopefully it will come straggling back to base after the primaries.

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This is true, but the actual number of people fairly described as “conspiracy theorists” is a small fraction of the number of people who throw around the term as a substitute for having a point. “carrying water” and “talking points” are a couple other phrases people use to pretend they have something to say.


Realizing the unbelievable corruption of the Dirty D establishment and that we have been the quasi-baddies, only slightly better than Rs, this whole time could break anyone. I am currently reading the book “We Got People” which I highly recommend for all the gory details but this current story crystallizes the breathtaking corruption of the Dirty Ds over the last 35 years into a nutshell:

That was going to be my reference if Victor said cite or ban. Ah well. The best laid plans.

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You mean when someone wants to say you’re wrong but has no idea how to do so?