Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

A supernerd I vaguely knew made MDMA before it was illegal. Supposedly it’s hard to make.

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Just say no and scared straight don’t work. For every scare story they will see a dozen people doing those things and at least doing fine in the short term. I don’t expect my kids to do those drugs, but they might. I was supposed to do cocaine once, but the people buying it failed. And if my kids do those drugs, I don’t think they are likely to get hooked and if they do, that will suck and we will deal with it. If they OD on heroin…or get in a drunken car crash…

Dundee University students were it it before it was popular… I’m Sure they got nabbed too.

Unfortunately that is true and it’s not what I do, the scare stories are just what happens here in this city and the teens generally agree with me that it’s all about being as careful as possible when using around these parts on the world.

And the people here agree in general with the principle of always be very careful of who your with and where you are before partaking in drug use of Class A’s.

My city has its own epidemic on violence, with drugs on top of that we try to educate them once they attend secondary school.

If your older adult children ever tell you they want to try lsd or mushrooms lmk I actually have test kits and a person I trust lol.

Lots of " lsd " is shit research chemicals even in ca. Especially if you try to get it at a rave

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And make sure you don’t have any vital responsibilities to take care of.


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I only took one semester of o-chem w/o lab, so I’m far from an expert, but the wiki doesn’t make it sound that bad, given that safrole is a pretty readily available natural product and convenient starting point.

LSD, for example, sounds much tougher, because it sounds harder to get a good starting point.

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You hear that @nano and @bro? Get your shit tested!

(@bro doesn’t come on here much, but @nano will see that and will probably troll me.)

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Unfortunately the UK and Scotland is not for giving people who use drugs the benifit of the doubt and with that in mind I try to help the teens around here in that 1 mistake ( Of drug use) can lead to major problems down the line, just for being known as used it once.

This is British class warfare at its worst…

Unfortunately most people here in the UK hate drugs with a passion and hate users even more.

Very few are Liberal about it, geez my family hates me for just having a smoke.

My kids are white college kids who speak rich person English.

In a coop I lived in in college the police came and searched for someone or something one time and came across one of my roommates’ grow closet and did nothing. This was well before any of the recent relaxation of marijuana laws.

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I got 3 days in lock up for talcum powder and coffee

What is rich person English in SoCal? Is that what the Kardashians speak?

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And you guys thought the feds may have been watching this site before.

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lol, aren’t you a biochemist?

I think LSD is basically impossible to make from scratch without starting ingredients that are very tightly controlled. Sutff like meth and MDMA are way easier.

Or, if you really want to use four words, just say “My car needs fixing.”

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A white guy I worked with grew up extremely poor, some of it in Oklahoma and you could hear that, and I don’t think he made it through HS. He wasn’t dumb (well, he wasn’t that smart either) and his grammar wasn’t horrible, but you could tell and the police could tell and he was not treated well by police on some occasions where I’m sure I would have been treated differently, largely because of my rich person’s English.


According to the map, it would seem that even the not rich in LA say that correctly.


When you say “from scratch” does that exclude growing ergot fungus yourself. At first glance, doing that doesn’t seem that hard. I’m not sure how hard extracting the chemical from that is, though.

And if you read it you’ll see that while it’s true that people can tell the difference, they aren’t that accurate at estimating social class, but they act on it anyway. The focus is on hiring decisions, but I’m sure there is similar bias in policing.

I can still remember the officers face on a Vegas corner when they stopped a few people on the roadside when we were just about to pass them and my voice rather confused him.

Until I said I’m Scottish and put on my posh accent he was absolutely dumbstruck. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Edit: I can’t help myself, I talk to everyone lol its me job :grinning:

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