Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

That’s worse than jail food I’ve seen.

Gary Clark Jr all the way


Assuming that’s meat on the tortilla, looks like there’s some protein and a little fiber there. I’m not saying it’s enough to support a professional athlete but definitely establishes plausible deniability for whoever is in charge of supplying that slop.

tbf some baseball players could stand to lose a few

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5-4 is probably going to do a great episode on federalist society and it will be for patreon-only.

Did they produce the Valium too in the 60’s? The little blue pill?

Sunday lineup is good. Thievery and Gary and jgb are great. G Love is always a fun show.

For you guys worried about getting old. Provides some support for exercise as a way to slow mental decline. Possibly points the way to better treatment. Maybe a reason not to throw out those oximeters we all got last year.


I love the skits these guys do

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The paper’s is hypothesis is less oxygen levels in blood and more the ability to properly deliver blood to a specific part of the brain. If your pipes are all clogged from years of cardiovascular disease it might mean less oxygen delivery. Oximeters won’t help with measuring that.

Still super interesting though, thanks.

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I’m too old and out of touch to really get this, but I laughed several times so… :heart: awarded.

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A little further digging reveals… it’s complicated. Like, I was not expecting


One group of researchers previously found that hypoxia prevents neurodegeneration in rats in experimental Alzheimer disease5 and hypothesized that adaptation to induced hypoxia may prevent dementia.6

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lol I don’t understand about half the references they make in some of their videos but they are still great, especially with how creative they get with the images on the TV. This one doesn’t have too many obscure references and is another one of their recent great skits


New one from today lol


The unclassified US government report on UAPs is due June 25, close to the end of the 6 month timeframe congress allowed. They waited to the last moment to say basically what they’ve been saying for a while: We don’t know what these things are, and they aren’t ours. Could be the other guys though

If the phenomena were Chinese or Russian aircraft, officials said, that would suggest the two powers’ hypersonic research had far outpaced American military development.

Oh, and also (lol) they ain’t weather balloons. There’s a classified addendum to the report but according to the Times, it doesn’t change the basic conclusions

Adding: Excluding cannibals and possible aliens among us, UP sentiment is negative on aliens.


I’ll posit that there’s weird shit, but I just can’t buy that aliens flew a few lights years then let loose some orbs that did some weird shit. Nuts and bolts aliens are hard to really get on board with. Honestly I’d believe in interdimensional weirdness before nuts and bolts aliens… although some would argue that could be the same thing. Hold on, let me get my MUFON hat.

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We have some weird but seemingly undeniable observations. The possible explanations are all in solid crackpot territory (invaders from the 5th dimension, time travelers, scifi type space-travelling or wormhole aliens, advanced hidden Earth-based civilization, Russians/Chinese/Elon Musk fucking with us) so

Hu Xijin is the GOAT