Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Super high right now but I think it would be pretty cool if lawyers PM’d people they like and gave them their like business number just to scare cops. Like talk to my lawyer buddy and they call and you can be all like I’ll make your life a living hell you pig but obviously not do any actual work if the cop proceeds.

Just there to kinda scare them. I think if cops think you have a good lawyer they will leave you alone more often.

Come on law bros your professional has failed us hard do UP a solid.

Is there like a beard thread or should I post in here? I recently grew a beard for the first time ever and the ladies love it but I’m looking for some good tips on how to make it look a lil cleaner. Already doing beard oil, beard balm, and using my regular conditioner.

Heard a bit on this on Science Friday a few weeks back.

Was really fascinating.

Same I always was the designated person in my friend group to talk to the cops in hs and college. Dripping with privilege obviously then, but it’s still true.

I was also the designated cop negotiator. Once, the Lincoln (MA) police department called my parents to tell them of my presence at a party where a bunch of underage kids were on acid, but also to reassure them that I was not on acid and to tell them that I was a fine upstanding young man. Parents still pissed tho.


Have i just been really lame all my life or is it normal to have had none of my friend groups ever require a “designated talk to the cops” person?


Did you just not get in enough trouble or was it chaos when shit hit the fan?

How much trouble is enough? I was never around anyone who was underage and drinking.

I’m your man, Steve Harvey. Top answers are on the board. Give the age at which most people realize they can’t have meaningful conversations with their parents.


Gotta be the former, because it definitely isn’t the latter.

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At my law school we had a tradition where the first years had to throw a big party for the rest of the school early in the first semester. We went all out with good food, lots of booze and a good DJ with a powerful sound system.

Unfortunately, there was also a big sporting event on campus that night, and the sound from our party attracted all of the undergrads (who had to pass by our party on the way from the arena back to their dorms). We were overwhelmed by underaged party crashers and our only “security” were a couple of big Samoan dudes who had played college football before law school.

After a very heated debate, we eventually called the cops on our own party and made an announcement that anyone underage (and/or in possession of illicit items) should go because the cops were on the way. Eventually one squad car showed up, but the undergrads (and half the law students) were gone by the time they got there.

On Monday morning, the torts professor did a quick lesson on bartender liability laws and the Crim Law professor chewed us out for calling the police :)

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I’ve had a beard of varying lengths for the last 6 or 7 years. I used to use oil but I stopped, haven’t noticed much of a difference. Never used balm or wax, didn’t like them when I tried.

You should trim it a couple times a week to take care of the stray hairs and keep a good shape, obviously comb it too. I trim freehand with an electric clipper. I have fairly straight hair but in the morning I blow dry it while combing, keeps the hairs around my chin from getting weird little curls. Defintely not necessary but i like how it looks and it takes 2 minutes.

I am endlessly fascinated by Jean Claude Van Damme’s dancing. It’s so bad that I feel like by studying it and doing the exact opposite you could be the best dancer of all time.

Talking on the phone drains my life force.

I’ll even take it down to 50 degrees. Get under a heavy blanket and sleep like a log.


In before king size bed doesn’t pass the purity test and is equal to owning a Gulfstream.

Trivia: At the age of 16, he took up ballet, which he studied for five years.

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“hotel demands” and its just asking for a typical bed size and a cold room? How come every time someone tries to take a shot at Bernie he ends up sounding even more like a chill grandpa


Still a tenured professor

Never forget


A buddy and I split a hotel room at Foxwoods once - I went broke so went back to the room before him. Set the temp to 65 (I’d like it lower, but I believe that’s the lowest it went), fell asleep. Woke up sweating my ass off - checked the thermostat and he had set it to 75 when he came in. Absolute psychopath.