Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

also there are no legal casinos in st. petersburg

So when you say fake, do you mean that he was lying and there was no competition at all. Or there was some sort of competition, but it was fake in some way? If so, how exactly was it fake? Did they hire some actors or something?

There was no competition at all I think but he’s not clear about it

This below, he’s not clear, just says it was all a sham

I don’t know why I’m bothering to try to make sense of this, but basically his buddy told him to go to a random (empty?) gym for a competition and there was nothing going on there and his future fiancee was just sitting there waiting to meet him?


No one’s really sure, that video is all I’ve seen

Can Madison Cawthorn fuck?

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Was there a short term visa waiver to visit St Petersburg at the time? I thought it was like guided tours on a day trip only.

ETA: This seems to indicate a 72 hour visa waiver. But it’s a 38 hour trip between the two ports! Unless some option existed prior to Covid (I doubt it).

The way he introduces the trip is fishy. “We went on a trip to, near Russia, to Norway and Sweden.”

Based on him being USAian, saying Stockholm is close to Russia does not seem too outlandish. It‘s ~500 miles.

I also would not rule out that the „trip to Norway and Sweden“ included stays in Helsinki and/or Tallin.



In questioning the superintendent of a rural school district, a lawyer for Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman repeatedly asked why the state’s academic standards mattered for students entering certain professions.

“What use would a carpenter have for biology?” asked John Krill of Matthew Splain, superintendent of the Otto-Eldred School District in McKean County and president of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools, one of the plaintiffs. Splain had said his district’s scores on state standardized tests in biology and other subjects were not acceptable.

“What use would someone on the McDonald’s career track have for Algebra 1?” Krill continued.

As lawyers for the plaintiffs objected, asking what the relevance was, Krill said that the trial was about whether Pennsylvania was meeting its constitutional obligation to provide a “thorough and efficient” system of education.

“The question in my mind is, thorough and efficient to what end? To serve the needs of the Commonwealth,” Krill said. “Lest we forget, the Commonwealth has many needs. There’s a need for retail workers, for people who know how to flip a pizza crust.”

These Mom for Liberty and other astroturf organizations aren’t completely dumb though. If you read carefully they don’t mind teaching about past injustices, it’s the connecting the past to the present that their opposing. I guess you’d call it the social justice aspect of history.

It gets around the you’re stifling history argument and keeps it narrowly focused on the social justice aspect of it.

I think you should personally prioritize your own safety so the threat profile of the villain matters… But other than try to not get murdered I don’t think there’s an upper limit on how far you should go in punishing people who do shit like this absolutely including physical violence if it’s viable. Screaming at them as loudly as possible is totally reasonable. Make as big of a scene as you can as often as you can personally tolerate IMO. Gropers are scum full stop and deserve every bad thing that happens to them.

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I think you should adjust your response according to your sense of danger. I would probably react very strongly to witnessing that and would follow and yell loudly at him if the victim was someone I don’t know. If it was my wife or daughter I probably go apeshit and take him to the ground, but taking his picture and filing a complaint is probably the safest and best option. Getting stabbed or shot because I couldn’t keep my ego in check would really suck for me and escalate the situation from indignity to tragedy for my friends/family. I’d advocate for keeping your cool, getting a picture of the guy, filing a complaint, and moving on with your life.

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Pepper spray or guns are appropriate reactions, where legal.

yeah, loudly calling them gropers in a public place is justified and hopefully stops the assault from developing. although if a police officer isn’t nearby, i guess they can likely get away, because noone should risk anything of value trying to detain the groper.


Very unlikely the dude has a gun in Euroland, I say embarrass the fuck out of him as long as you’re in a public place.


Yeah, this is a very tough spot for me. On the one hand I’d want to go nuts. On the other hand I wouldn’t want to get killed or maimed over it.

I think what you’ve typed is the optimal response. However, if it actually happened in real life, I’m sure I’d fuck the response up somehow.

Groper could have untreated mental issues or have suffered a stroke or brain injury that caused him to lose impulse control. I know a guy that was somewhat normal before he had a stroke in 1998 who now will grope women 100% of the time when the opportunity arises. He’s not allowed in public anymore and docs/dentists are warned to keep women away from him and restrain his arms if that’s not possible. It’s gross, but ultimately not his fault. Not saying the guy you encountered fits this description, but it’s possible he fell through the cracks and doesn’t have anyone to help keep him (and you) out of harm’s way.

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Sorry for my ignorance, you’re female correct? In that case I think the best move is to take his picture and file a complaint with the store/police and on local community groups. Shaming like that would probably suck for him, maybe even get him fired if it catches attention. I think thats a lot better than confronting him and yelling at him in the store.