Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The Urals are not solely a geological concept.

Who said anything about solely?

I once overheard an earnest discussion pondering whether or not New Mexico “was attached”.

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I think the UN geoscheme offers a pretty good classification with a mixture of geographical and cultural groupings. There are six regions (Africa, Americas, Antarctica, Asia, Europe and Oceania) wich in turn have subregions (e.g. the Anericas are divided into North America, Carribean, Central America and South America).
Still the system leaves some strange cases (e. g. Cyprus - a member of the European Union - is considered to be part of Asia. Malta - also a member of the EU - is considered to be part of Europe, even though it is closer to Africa than to any European non-island landmass. I believe it is also part of the African tectobic Platte)

On which continent is Suriname?

Same one as your pony.

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Concept of Europe and Asia as separate continents goes back to the ancient Greeks, who were only vaguely aware that land north of the Black Sea existed.

many jimmies rustled


Well, as the ancient Greeks founded settlments on the northern shore of the Black Sea, I am pretty sure they were aware of its existence, but ignorant to its extent:

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This may be true in smaller LA countries but most definitely not where Ive been in Mexico. Americans are referred to as americanos just as often as gringo o guero. Also Ive never heard Mexicans refer to themselves or other Mexicans as American. Proximity to border probably a factor.

Estados Unidos is abbreviated EEUU which Ive never gotten.

It’s mostly a lot of message board infighting. In reality if you’re in a Spanish speaking country you’d say ‘soy de los Estados Unidos” and that’s that.

Unfortunately in English ‘I’m United Statesian” doesn’t translate so well

Mostly the “American” thing is a big deal once you go south of Mexico. In Mexico people seem less uptight about gringos appropriating the word American because Mexicans have a very strong national identity.

Once you get to a place like El Salvador or Panama, it’s more of a regional identity that cares a lot more about the term American.

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Oof on #7. MrsWookie never really produced enough either. She thankfully didn’t get much grief for it, but she was always a little self conscious about it. I can hardly imagine getting needled over covid about it


I’ve been on some toxic places on the internet, but new parent internet seems like the worst I’ve seen.

Have we had such a big wave of posters and/or their families getting pozzed before?

Stay safe, everyone.

Did wee lil one get it from the triple vaxed grand parents or maybe school?

Thats sucks buddy I’m sorry

Mexicans also have a lot of pride in their state identities. I know people that consider themselves Sinaolese as much or more than they do mexican. They only use or say estados unidos de México for official governement stuff. But México really is a group of diverse states more than a homogenous country.

Which goes hand in hand with what you said about why smaller countries feel more “continental pride”.

Is that what it’s supposed to be? I’ve always said Sinaloan.

Edit: According to wikipedia it s Sinaloense. I’m assuming that’s in Spanish.

Sorry that’s how they say it in Spanish I think.

Maybe hand in hand with the americano difference, put gringo is pretty rare down here. Maybe they saying it behind my back but it’s usually güero or americano. But güero is something you’ll call your light skinned non American friends too. So gringo probably more common in places they don’t use americano