Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Yeah actually experts on the social determinants of health are recommending realistic solutions everywhere all the time. There is a huge gap between “realistic solutions” and “everyone feels always included, is never frustrated, never lacks anything and is basically on a pony farm with rainbows and unicorns”. That gap is actually where basically all good government policy resides.

Edit: Good policy never creates perfection. It’s an intentional conservative misdirection to claim policies are bad if they don’t work perfectly. I know you’re not conservative, but this attitude on policy is basically just like being an anti vaxxer about policy. One bad outcome doesn’t invalidate something that eliminates 100 bad outcomes.


Eric Clapton continues his descent, sues woman for trying to sell one of his CDs online for $11…

It’s also getting attention because it’s one of the biggest lightening rods for right wing attacks. My dad sends me pictures all the time and is like this is what liberal policies do. They think the entire country will look like that soon it " liberals arent stopped by any means necessary "

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I honestly don’t know what you are arguing for or against. No policy actions will eliminate drug abuse. No individual actions will eliminate drug abuse. You seem to be simultaneously demanding that I offer “realistic” solutions and also demanding that any solution is perfect. I don’t know what to say. The best thinkers that devote their lives to addictions think that tackling the social determinants of health is the most promising avenue of dealing with this social problem. If that runs against your instincts that what these people ACTUALLY need is just a slap in the face and some tough love, take it up with the experts. I think youre wrong but what do I know.


Building housing for these people so they have a place to be and live, and experience some stability and hygiene, and get back on their feet as human beings is pretty effective, but no one wants to put any such building anywhere.

Sure they do - they want it built in someone else’s neighborhood.

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A neighborhood away isn’t usually far enough. More like a county away.

In general, areas considered shady in Europe aren’t anything close to what is shady in America.

Supposedly the neighborhood I live in in Prague is dangerous at night but there’s nothing of the sort here.

I recommend watching the Frontline documentary “Chasing Heroin”.

Also, opening government-run clean injection sites would be enormously beneficial.

Should just send them to Australia.

No worries! I think your questions are great questions, people devote their whole lives to working on them.


the homeless problem needs a federal solution. dealing with them on municipal levels means it’s better for the mayor to put arrested drug addicts on a greyhound to SF or Portland or Seattle. they end up concentrated and overwhelming the liberal policies. you simply cannot solve this without a consistent treatment plan that works everywhere. eg federal money for housing and drug treatment in every locality.

and of course the police is constantly making their lives uncomfortable which is just a dumb waste of both public resources, and the limited resources the homeless themselves have. it doesn’t help anyone when the tent is trashed.

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Crazy that I’m from this area and I hadn’t heard about this until now.

I smelled the smoke from that in Chicago.

Yeah my friends in KC all smelled it.

Been on a descent since about the time the bossa nova version of Layla was on MTV Unplugged.

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What a waste when you could spend it smoking crack.

You’ve got to be careful with that stuff or you could wake up one day and find you’re the mayor of Toronto.

I would trade my life for his no regrets.

This is an example of Shor pulled centrists who tut tut the left getting out over their skis

You could probably fault the NYT for running it as their favorite bit, but saying the black comedian is doing bad progressivism is lol

Sorry Robinson is right

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