Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Sad trombone sound:


Great idea.

Any parents got recommendations? Hopefully something not super well known so she doesn’t already have it.

Tanks guys

I’ve been giving Ada Twist, Scientist to all my friends and coworkers with new babies ever since we got a copy of it when we had our first. Fun story, impeccable meter, some consolation for parents as well. I don’t really know how popular it is these days.


The Little Prince. (Maybe only if she has older kids too. I’m not a parent. Good book though.)

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Goodnight Mermaid

and this little political number

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This is the greatest book ever written, for children or otherwise.


You guys are dope



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apparently people still get TV fucking guide in the mail???

this is like 20:1 to be a trump voter, right? obvious play is to blame Dejoy

We had it, kids liked it from what I remember

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It’s pretty good, but my girls haven’t gone back to it all that many times. I’m sure there are plenty of kids who love it, though.

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Looks like they have a circulation of about 1 million.

We’ve had people here express incredulity that people get cable when 60‰ of US households get it.

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This is going to bug me so I have to ask - did you mean 60‰ which is the same as 6% and you were being fancy with the obscure symbol? Or was that a typo and you meant 60%?

I think it has to be the latter but I don’t know how you even get that symbol on a keyboard (i had to copy it from your post).

being hooked upto cable isn’t the same as subscribing to cable. a lot of condominiums have some type of basic deal. it’s probably still being used, but at lower rates.

A quick Google search shows the answer is something like 40 or 50 percent. So I’ll assume he meant 60 percent and was quoting a number a couple of years old.


Ha, that’s hilarious. Those kids were like “BOO BOO BUTT!?!?!? THIS GUY IS A GODDAMN GENIUS!”

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