Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I never really “wreck” them. They just get worn down. They’re still useable, I suppose, as there is never any problem with the lenses themselves. I also seem to have some minor changes in my prescription every year or two, so that is the main driver of getting new ones. And every time I do, I always notice the newness.

Any of you glasses wearers look into Lasik? I had it done about 6 years ago and it was life changing. Highly recommended, even though I have to wear readers now.

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It’s been very mild for me. I experience it more over winter with the heat on, but it’s not bad. I don’t have to use drops on a regular basis or anything like that.

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Me too.

They were at $50 billion in bullshit fees before the financial crisis and Obama put a stop to it. Guess they were creeping back up.

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I just went to the local optometrist school, it was super easy to get in and I got the exam from a student which was fine and then a “real” D.O. came through and verified the student’s prescription etc. I don’t think they really need the business, they had like 4 frames to pick from.

went to costco this morning and got some extremely normcore frames, I think this is what I got but at costco they were like $60.

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Franklin might not have had modern model-like looks but he got all the ladies. His story about how he invented bifocals probably got them all hot.

I wear multifocal contacts most of the time and they’re ok except for reading. It doesn’t help my mental focus that I get frustrated by imperfect visual focus. My prescription is adjusted to favor my dominant eye to make reading easier but I have to admit glasses are better.

Almost every girl has told me Iook better with glasses. Then again you look weird if you only take them off for a little as your eyes adjust

I think I look better with glasses too. Turns out that my eyes have changed very, very slightly, so when I needed readers I went ahead and got a very mild prescription for glasses and just went with progressive bifocals.

It’s still really cool to wake up and not have to put glasses on to see the clock. And it’s nice when playing sport or working out that I don’t need to wear glasses. Especially helpful with shitty masks that fog up my lenses.


if you are willing to kill some brain cells and watch you’ll notice how it’s so hilariously badly edited that his hand disappears in the middle of the vid That hand is in the middle of the video, you can’t miss it.

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so this should boost Biden’s approval ratings with Fox viewers, right?


It’s more like, “Well, if Biden isn’t racist for that, then it means I’m not either”.


That is the most amateur editing job I’ve ever seen.

“All you guys rip Trump for being racist. He’s not! Also, what about Biden libtard?!”

No way I will fly in a small plane should I ever get fly-into-space-for-funsies rich

If he died in space this would be a good way to cover it up. jk


I tried my first pair of progressive lenses a couple of months ago and they definitely didn’t take. Gave them over a week before giving up. Disorienting, also seemingly require you to totally alter how you use your eyes and move your head in order to see properly. Decided to just go back to taking off my glasses when I need to read for more than 20 seconds.

If you get them, make sure to get you pupillary distance updated, and measured for both distance and reading . This was part of the problem for me I think.


The glasses the change with sunlight into shaded look nerdy as fuck. If any of you got some I suggest ditching em.


Fuck that. I’ll happily trade looking nerdy for 24/7 protection from the evil sun.

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I’m pretty sure you don’t need the shading to get UV protective coating on your glasses. They put that on clear lenses all the time.

EDIT: I decided to check this out a little more and it looks like if you get polycarbonate or hi-index lenses, those block almost all UV without any coating. However, it may still be a good idea to coat them because the UV can degrade the lens material. But you definitely don’t need those photochromic lenses that get darker in order to get good UV protection.