Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

When I was close to that point, I did a lot of walking around and looking for small change in the street.

They get their account closed and have to resort to “check cashing” businesses - a preparatory lending service that effectively takes a ~10% vig from your salary.

Can’t they get themselves declared bankrupt and their debts wiped?

Generally, no. its complicated.

Yeah, in the US the bankruptcy laws are there to protect rich people from creditors, not to help poor people that are at/over the brink.

Ya boy needs bifocals

Where y’all buy glasses? Warby Parker seems too twee, gimme some other recs

I got a basic pair with progressive lenses from for about $80. I don’t wear them all the time but they’re fine.

I do recommend progressives btw. No line and no abrupt transition when you’re adjusting your viewing angle. Do take a little getting used to.

Yeah definitely going to get no-lines, I’m only 46 and can’t be looking like some Ben Franklin mofo.

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Glasses Usa has the largest selection I have seen.

I get frames online. There are lots of places that sell them and most have good return policies. So you could try them on and send them back if you’re bad at judging whether you would like them or not.

Once I get the frames, I take them to Costco and have them make the glasses. They do a great job and if there are any problems they will fix them. I would not want to deal with an online vendor if I had this kind of problem. Costco charges like $25 I think if you use frames bought elsewhere. But I generally get my frames pretty cheap online, so adding $25 is still better than my best in person option.

I guess you could look at Costco for frames also, but their selection is super limited, which is why my frames always come from elsewhere.

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People buy glasses once every 5 yrs?

I’ve had Costco glasses for the past few years and I’ve been pretty happy with them.

I also went to lens crafters for nicer prescription sunglasses. They did a nice job but the price was at least 2x compared to Costco.

I was going for not often enough. I wear mine during nearly 100% of my waking hours. There is no way they would last 5 years.

I have bifocal contact lenses so that is an option if you really don’t want to look like Ben Franklin.

Everything is always worse in America. Financial institutions in the US have made a science of tricking people into missing payments and incurring fees.

U.S. banks took in $11.68 billion of overdraft fees in 2019, according to the Center for Responsible Lending, even before the COVID-19 pandemic left millions in financial distress. Just 9% of account holders paid 84% of the fees, the nonprofit said.

The magnitude is relatively small, but a growth opportunity is a growth opportunity!

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The scummiest thing they did was re-order transactions from largest to smallest (not first to last) to trigger multiple overdrafts in the same day. This happened to me as like a 22 year old and I racked up like $250 in fees buying coffee, chipotle and beer. Straight up evil.


Coincidentally, the guy who came up with that idea was probably also 22. That’s the kind of creative thinking that earns a kid a fat bonus!

And avocado toast, I bet! That’s the problem with you young people these days, you want everything just handed to you!

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This is what I do too, always bought from my eye doctor.

I buy every 5-8 years, haven’t wrecked a pair of glasses since i was a little kid. I wore contacts 95% of the time for most of my youth and 20s but switched to glasses full time 4 or 5 years ago. When I was wearing contacts I think I was rocking some sweet 15 year old Harry Potter type glasses towards the end.