Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide



well those car warranty expiration calls can be annoying and i could understand not wanting to deal with them when you’re lost in the woods

ok without clicking i’m hoping that their phone was set to ignore calls from unknown numbers and not that they’re like “hmm call from 911? don’t know anyone with that number”

edit - nope, first line of the story…

A hiker lost on a mountain in Colorado ignored repeated calls from rescuers — later explaining that they had been unfamiliar with the phone number, authorities said.

edit 2 - this person was out there cheating on their girlfriend right? right? what the fuck?

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Maybe he was on hallucinogens and didn’t want to talk to anyone, trying to become one with nature

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Is this response you?


The rescuers didn’t leave a message? Or text him?

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I actually don’t know how to get voicemails from my phone. I used to, but about a year ago my phone got wiped and I must have never set it up again. It’s nice!

Everybody should know that phones are for texting. I can’t remember the last time I actually answered a phone call.


Sounds like he wasn’t really that lost. What happened is he didn’t show up where he put he would for his itinerary so the place he was staying reported him missing. But sounds like he was fine and not really worried. I mean he had cell service and didn’t call 9/11.

But yeah you absolutely have to send a text these days. Nobody but boomers answer random numbers these days.

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After moving all over the country I thought I was going to change my number to a local one finally. However, scam calls are the #2 reason why I won’t (behind notifying everyone of the change). I can safely ignore every single unknown number where I used to live knowing there’s no chance they are something I care about.

I don’t understand why anyone would answer an unknown number.

My phone is for my benefit, not anyone else’s. If I feel like picking it up, it’s because I know the person and want to talk with him/her at that moment. If I don’t know you or if I’m busy with something else or I don’t feel like talking, you get voicemail. If it’s important, I’ll get a message and return the call.



Yup never ever ever answering an unknown number. I don’t have my voicemail enabled either. My parents have their landline voicemail still and it’s the biggest cesspool of crap I’ve ever heard, but they still listen to every message bc 3% of them are not telemarketers

Funny hustle porn

Fresh out of college graduate finds Six Flag season pass; 2 meals a day and free parking, he worked next door so he ate there for lunch and dinner for years


I answer unknown numbers. My time isn’t particularly valuable and I get excited that someone might want to talk to me.


That means you still have hope. Eventually you get past that.


“Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.”

It’s kind of nice that most telemarketing to cell phones are (illegal) robocalls, I don’t feel bad hanging up.


Finally a legit story on how somebody paid off debt that doesn’t include the throw away line of their parents giving them $50,000. Dude ate years for $150/yr.


this is the most iron81 thing ever

a guy from my high school (two classes behind me) is a rinky dink state senator and just got indicted on finance violations, posted a big screed about how JOE BIDEN is trying to CANCEL him for being conservative. Amazing how joe biden is a senile old man who can’t tie his shoes one minute and the next minute he’s personally micromanaging a shadow campaign against this podunk dog catcher nobody has ever heard of


Downside is he probably took 10 years off his life expectancy