Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

We lived across the street from a bar in Detroit when I was a kid. Back then only the really little kids had parental supervision, so we would trick or treat at the bar.

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Taking a step back, if you were to say, “actually ignore immigration activists and climate change activists and you’ll have a winning coalition in American politics” would the answer be yes?

To me the answer seems to be “uhh obviously not”.




Depends on the context.

I don’t work for OSHA, but it seems like “making contact with the utility post and crushing the 2-gang electrical box and scuffing paint of the front weights” should count as more than a “Near Miss”!

Maybe they get to call it a “Near Miss” because he didn’t run over any people. :man_shrugging:

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It’s probably their error classification system. we have a “near miss” category and it means an event where there is no “significant bodily harm” so as long as the end result is no one need medical attention it gets counted as “near miss” no matter how much actual damage is caused.

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Halloween- I’m allergic to chocolate so I’d give mine to my friends. But we’d stop at houses where the Moms knew me and they give me a big bag of lays or some other massive non chocolate treat to make up for the no chocolate. New friends were like wtf! At those ~10 houses that “spoiled” me.

Open borders biden has just allowed travel to the US from merry old England

so I’ve just booked Vegas flights baby. Anyone gonna be there the 18th to the 25th of November? Probably won’t be doing the whole trip report thing but we’ll see.

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We have the same phrasing (and a similar form layout) at our factory, I probably should know but I’m not sure what technically qualifies as a near miss and what is considered an accident. You might be right that anything not involving personal harm is a near miss.

I just looked our form up and it says a near miss is a potential hazard or incident that has not resulted in any personal injury or property damage. So i don’t think wrecking a couple electrical boxes would not be a near miss here.

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This is for sure the spirit in which my brothers and I took the holiday as kids.

lol horny old dudes with power @Trolly


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you poor bastard!

Jolly ranchers are fucking elite. God damn coastal elitists


This might be the most unfortunate allergy I’ve ever heard of.

Edit: Are you sure you’re actually allergic? Sounds like something my mom might have told me as a kid just to keep me from eating it.

Most (?) chocolate has some amount of nasty stuff in it that can make you sick. I need extra sugar in my chocolate treats so I don’t think about it.

Bad chocolate low on the list of suspect causes in this case.

I’m sure as I eat a mini bar every once in a while. It gives me a really stuffy head mostly. If I’m having no other ongoing allergies it’s not too bad. Crunch is my weakness. I’m sure if I ate a whole bar it would be worse.

Now coconut is like a pufferfish went off in my nose and sinuses. I avoid that like the plague but every once in a while someone will cook it into an innocent looking cookie. Reaction happens very quickly and I have not problem spitting the remainder out in a very impolite way. I’ve never had a big dose to know how bad it could get.

As far as unfortunate, my claim is that makes me a “catch”. When we go somewhere and get offered something, my wife gets double chocolate.

I’ll have you know 99% of my lifetime Jolly Rancher consumption occurred in Independence, MO - meth capital of the midwest.

But in all serious on the sucking to completion thing. I have never not bitten a candy before it dissolved. It’s not in me. I’m the owl that takes three licks then bites into the center of the tootsie pop. So a candy that gets stuck to your teeth is like hyper-concentrated tooth-decay for me.


I was already confused by how Brits use the word surgery. This definitely does not help.

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Yeah I’m the same. Ones it gets small it’s hard not to chomp it.