Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

For the rich people in New York, this isn’t a complicated question. The answer is simply that the good school is the one you pay a lot for to get into the good university you pay a lot for to get the good job that gets you the good lifestyle. The whole process is divorced from the quality of the education. Its about buying your way into status.

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It’s about access to status, that’s certainly right. That it costs what it costs is a failure of “the system/the lawd our gawd.” Hate the game not the player I guess.

first of all, this is survivorship bias layered with “could have been worse” pessimism, which is common among us post-soviet kids. you made it through a horrible education, and came out feeling fine, but dozens of kids in your class probably didn’t.

but even though you survived it and hold yourself as never having been at a disadvantage, you also WOULD have gotten further or earlier in your life if you didn’t have to experience at least some of the bullying. or if you had gotten 5 hours of computer time instead of 1, right?


this is why i hedged and said “some of the bullying”. i’m fairly sure most kids experience it, adapt, and prepare for more bullying later. but for many the experience is traumatizing and holds them back in school. or worse, bullying can interfere with building work ethic, a learning disability, or simply tank a final exam. in soviet times, high school grads who missed an entrance exam were basically conscripted to the army.
in usa, there are other opportunities after hs, but culturally they are usually left to their own devices to see themselves through any college.

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this forum I wish america was more like norway


someone with a gun would’ve stopped that guy with the bow and arrow can’t refute that chessmate

this is amazing

One day, a chance event occurred that illustrated the retention of working memory in chimpanzees. While Ayumu was undertaking the limited-hold task for five numerals, a sudden noise occurred outside. Ayumu’s attention switched to the distraction and he lost concentration. After ten seconds, he turned his attention back to the touch screen, by which time the five numerals had already been replaced with white squares. The lapse in concentration made no difference. Ayumu was still able to touch the squares in the right order. This incident clearly shows that the chimpanzee can memorize the numerals at a glance, and that their working memory persists for at least ten seconds.


Maybe he just happed to find the Rain Man of chimps.

Note: I would also be happy to do these experiments all day for tiny pieces of apple.

Is it really that incredible that a smart mammal has 10 seconds of short-term memory?

Not just short term, but after insta-memorizing a sequence of numbers. Apparently it blows humans away. Watch the video.

In the article other chimps did well too. Basically they’re better than us at certain types of insta-visual memory.

Yeah that was fucking impressive

I was looking at buying tickets to a few football games and HOLY SHIT STUBHUB FEES ARE OUTRAGEOUS.

Yeah it’s like “buy these two tickets for $50 each” and the total is $263.50.


Selling on there wasn’t exactly great either. I sold a $250 ticket to a baseball game a couple of years ago for $315? and ended up losing $2 on the transaction.

True. There are lot of state schools that have honor programs and whatnot. Those are also extremely competitive as well. And there are plenty of state schools that are just top tier in general (e.g. UC Berkeley).

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What about a good guy with a bow and arrow?

These were the fees for 2 tickets to a padres game a few weeks ago. It basically makes it impossible for anyone to resell their season tickets for any sort of profit. All of that money has been scooped up by stubhub.

I suspect the ticketmaster business model is to sign teams up by offering to kick back most of the fees.

And also have their shills scoop up all the single game tickets, getting through the team websites’ paper-thin defenses against bulk buyers.