Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Ass covering

someone is mad about our subs to the aussies and it’s not china but france

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Another amazing america only thing. Watching NFL streams and seeing adverts where 65%+ of the ad is someone reading side effects over pictures of old people smiling and plinky music.

“da da da dee dee dee old person smiling
hydroextus may cause death, brain injury, advanced coma, your testicles to swell up like nicki manaj’s brother in law, a cough, headaches, hot green bile to shoot unceasingly out of your anus, mild chest pain, skin irritation
dee dee da da do do
Live your best life with hydroetus!”


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Dog was gonna do a tracheotomy. What a legend.


It is the way the system is setup. Basically it is incumbent on the doctor/pharmaceutical company/etc. to ELI5 everything. Even the obvious stuff. And if they don’t and something goes wrong all the patient has to do is say “Well I didn’t understand that, no one explained it to me” and that is at least the start of what could end up as a successful lawsuit.

To minimize the risk of that, they just assume that everyone is a moron. This is probably pretty close to true for large segments of the population, so it’s hard to argue that this approach is necessarily wrong.

Is it accurate to describe Dan Crenshaw and/or Tommi Lahren as white supremacists?

  • Yes
  • Yes, but only Crenshaw
  • Yes, but only Lahren
  • No
  • I don‘t know

0 voters

The entire conservative movement in America is fundamentally white supremacism. It’s a foundational belief even where it is not explicitly stated.

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grunch. its my 10 year wedding anniversary today and my wife now 40 still fits into her dress very well. high5?


Sick barg.

Tomi decried the alt-right movement in a NYT interview but still very much panders to them otherwise. She’s also shared pro-choice views in the past. She’s not lock-in-step with white supremacy but is pretty damn close.

As for wannabe Big Boss, he pretty much is. Like most who are, he is detached from the more direct rhetoric that you hear from the rubes but yeah he panders to it.

Personally I’d be looking for something more intimate than a high 5 with her.


I mean, she isn’t sporting Nazi tattoos but c’mon.

Recently, she compared the Black Lives Matter movement to the Ku Klux Klan, and she also said football player Colin Kaepernick was racist against white people for “blaming them” for all of his problems. (Kaepernick had decided to kneel during the National Anthem at his games instead of standing in order to protest racial oppression.)

Hired a therapist awhile back now who turned out to be a xian zealot of sorts, and naturally a bigot. She refused to treat trans community citing (among other things) her religious beliefs.

What’s fucked is being transgender isn’t protected under the CRA, so not only can she legally refuse to treat trans folks, I’d violate HER rights by canning her over it.

There are ways around this, but it’s BS that I couldn’t just LOL then fire her on the spot explicitly for being a bigot.

Its not possible to be conservative in America without being explicitly or implicitly supportive of white supremacy. Even if they’re not marching and chanting about the superiority of the white Christian values, the rest of their politics is an attempt to preserve privileges built on structural favoritism for whites.


That result is more one-sided than I expected. The reason why I ask is this Kotaku article [Cliffs: gaming console is a scam/grift]

where the CEO of the company is described as following white supremacists on Twitter and the examples they give are Crenshaw and Lahren.

While both are far-right who gladly pander to white supremacists I couldn’t at the top of my head remember any explicit white supremacist statements. At least for Crenshaw. Lahren probably has some dog whistles about “culture” and “real Americans”.

They withdrew their ambassador, lol. This was pretty amazing from the PM:

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has admitted he tried calling the French President just hours before announcing to the world he was tearing up a $90 billion submarine contract.

One world leader to another: Hey I tried to call you but it went to voicemail, sorry bro.

Apparently Morrison had told Macron some time ago that he had serious concerns about the ability of conventional submarines to meet Australia’s strategic objectives, but only told France the deal was off the day before the AUKUS announcement.

Do the French provide their subs with built-in white flags for easy surrendering?


I thought it was $60B? It’s a lot of money but for a country the size of France doesn’t seem like that much over x years. Is that really the reason they have a problem with this? (Just looked at their defense budget… yeah could be.)