Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


Costanza: “Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?”


Looks like New Orleans is about to get wrecked again.

Most tech news is meh or obvious PR crap. Maybe insignificant in the scheme of things but this strikes me as clever and cool.

Hoping to see plugins for GIMP soon.

Interpol used a similar technique to identify a man who posted pictures of himself abusing a dozen boys. They were able to identify and arrest him using the picture on the left.


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I thought for ones like that you can just use the same tool and software to swirl it back in the other direction. I read about that several years ago.

Howard Beale was truly ahead of his time

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this guy is a VC for andreesen horrowitz so clearly he’s smarter than you

  1. we observed a thing that people didn’t understand was actually revolutionary
  2. we have found this new thing that people don’t understand
  3. therefore this new thing is revolutionary, it’s hard to accept I know but I work for a16z so QED

seriously this guy is one of the least dipshitty VCs on twitter and he’s still completely drunken the kool aid

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so, Canada’s PM called elections early trying to get a majority in whatever their congress is and it sure looks like that’s gonna backfire hard. Conservative majority now in play GJGE.


Where are you seeing that?

A few polls are suggesting it’s possible, like US, they don’t need to get 50% in polling to get there.

Reality is don’t call snap elections, I don’t remember the last one that didn’t backfire.

Of course. But most recent CBC poll tracker has a Con majority at 3% probability.

I don’t know their methodology but I assume like 538 they put in data that’s completely worthless. (ie any poll older than 2 weeks basically is for elections, also conservatives typically are underpolled in us/can) those july polls can be just thrown in the trash at this point.

They are reflecting current polls that show a slight lead for the Cons on popular vote. I don’t disagree with your assessment that the L election gambit isn’t paying off, but the Cons need to hit a two outer to get a majority at this point.

fwiw, the last model I saw was already at 6% and that was before this one

He probably will hang on with the minority coalition but this is starting to get into yikes territory.

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The reports said that it took computer experts to unswirl it. That doesn’t sound like it’s a build in function. My memory is a bit foggy but I believe I read that they created some kind of procedure that determined what the original picture had to look like to end up like the distorted image.

Why did the Green Party lose this much support?

Yeah, unfortunately I’ve lived through the last Ontario election where everyone decided to “spite vote” against Kathleen Wynne and we ended up with a shitty Con government. Tossing arrogant Liberals out on their ass is like drinking tequila - feels exciting at the time but its one hell of a hangover.

Party turmoil. Half the party hates their new leader and keeps leaking attacks to the press.

Yeah, I get what they did. But for that specific method of obscuring one’s identity, there are some tricks that work (not 100% of the time). It’s described here:

Edit: fixed link

Upon further review, it looks like they may have done exactly what I described.

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