Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

It’s just media framing/cop worship. Bust a dude paying to have sex with a consenting adult? Oh, they’re saving the woman from being trafficked.

I visited Bangkok about 10 years ago and went to a go-go bar with some people from the hostel I was staying at. The end of the night involved basically piling every nude girl who worked there onto the stage for “Zombie” by The Cranberries. Some girls were dancing their asses off and loving every minute of it. But others were covering themselves up with their arms and hiding behind other dancers to avoid the attention of the mostly male crowd. I felt depressed about it and left with a few other people to get some reasonably priced drinks.

I mean I guess it’s one thing if a sex worker is being one independently. They’re their own boss and doing things their way. But I felt pretty fucked up in that place in Bangkok because there was no way many of those girls wanted to be there. Apparently, they’re required to go into the crowd to grab a guy for the night, normally after you buy drinks for them from the bar (mamasan has to get her piece from them obviously).

Yeah, that sounds horrible. I’m thinking Bunny Ranch type places where they are applying and working voluntarily.

I had a situation in Jamaica where a pimp had a bus load of women dropped off in the bar once it started getting busier in the evening and wondered how many of them were voluntarily working. Weirdest experience of my entire life and one of the only times I thought I might actually get killed by someone.

If you can find it, I suggest watching Louis and the Brothel. It’s a documentary by Louis Theroux about a brothel in Reno called The Wild Horse. Pretty interesting stuff.

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Should have gone to the ping pong show.

What I learned from seeing the ping pong show is that I don’t want to be around the kind of people who have been to more than one of them.

Somebody describes the show to you and you see it because you don’t believe that it’s real. Then you get there and you realize that they don’t just use ping pong balls. I think the shock of it kept me there longer than I wanted to be there. Others in the group with me were kinda grossed out for every possible reason.

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Oh, did you get to see the beer bottle trick?

We saw them shoot ping pong balls into bowls and then shoot darts at balloons. It was honestly pretty boring after you get over the initial shock of what you’re watching.

Don’t want to know what the beer bottle trick is.

I don’t get that shit. The smoking out the vag also. I saw those videos on VHS in my teens. No thanks. It does absolutely nothing for me. Like peeing on people and poop fetishes. You do you but nah for me.

A girl I knew since high school at a bar one night while talking about another friend: “Oh Jason, he’s the first guy to ever pee on me!”

ummm ?

The guy who cleans port-o-johns is a consenting adult too, but it’s still a terrible job.


I like this, you got one flag thing looking one way, and one flag thing looking the other way.


It’s just using their ping pong ball shooter to open a beer bottle.

The one I saw also had darts shooting out balloons, and pulling out a string of razor blades.

Agree with SUB that I’d never want to be around someone who went back for seconds of that.

I think I posted in the COVID thread that they can’t evacuate the hospitals because there are no rooms available in other places due to being filled with COVID patients.

Oh man. How do they not bleed to death from putting razor blades there? That sounds insanely dangerous.

Razors was on Faces of Death or something yeah?

I mean there’s no proof they’re razor sharp. They were on a long string. Assuming there’s some technique to it.

I almost posted a link to Airwolf aging myself and didn’t but now talking about Faces of Death VHS lmao.