Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

“inspires kids to wet dream and imagine…”

That’s a really expensive dildo

With realistic vibrating launch action.

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Does it deliver the payload also?

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hasn’t been demonstrated. sub-orbital so far.

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Premature to speculate.

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Why does this shitty dubstep Bach song keep showing up on Amazon Music’s classical playlists?

Maybe too much content, but I have made over twenty calls today trying to make a doctor’s appointment.

The state of California has completely butchered my insurance, has me listed under two different insurance plans. Both may or may not be effective, they also work together sometimes but that is surely not happening, and every single state worker, insurance company, and doctor’s office has me listed differently. I have been asked incredulously today “Why do you keep asking about Molina, you have Healthnet?” I have also been asked, “Why do you keep mentioning Healthnet?”

I also got dumped by state employee for being “belligerent and offensive” which was absolutely not true, it sounded as if she was just using a script for dumping a call because she didn’t want to deal with the absurdity of my case.

On the 4th call to them, my doctor’s office just started lying and saying the office is undergoing renovation and they are not scheduling any patient appointments. Just incredible.

I currently have the nicest employee ever at one insurance company who is calling over to the other company to try and sort this out. Despite this, I am not optimistic. I guess I just don’t get healthcare.


People love their private insurance.


A+ replies

Twitter won’t let me see any comments anymore without signing up for an account. Fuckers.


Yeah me too. Sucks but I’m not getting an account so :fu:


This is horseshit. Plus they wouldn’t let me make an account called twitteristotalgarbage. Jerks.


“You look so happy. I take it your Dalmatian coat is finally complete”

“Who are you wearing? No, really, what’s their name, their parents miss them very much”

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The Universal Post Union (a UN organization), the International Court of Justice and The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea all agreed that the Chagos Islands to not belong to Great Britain and have to be returned to Mauritius.
The US air base Diego Garcia is located on these islands and is kind of important for US military operations in the Pacific, Indian Ocean and Middle East (eg. Afghanistan, Iran).

First, it’s absurd to rule that the islands belong to the vestigial claims of some other colonial empire rather than to the indigenous people who were forcibly evicted.

Second, lol the US isn’t leaving Diego Garcia.

The smallest and cheapest part of my new computer setup is the computer.

Not exactly zippy with a full desktop, but it does work.


Using a pi zero for a desktop is pretty ballsy.

Heh, I’m not. It’s going to run headless with a minimal distro. Just wanted to see if it could.

I have a pi4 that mostly does background stuff but I occasionally do desktop stuff on it and any website more complicated than like… yelp is notably clunky. For what I need it for, the pi3 would have been way more than enough, and use a lot less power, but for desktop stuff it’s just not quite there yet (and it’s even running off a SSD instead of a SD card).