Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Isn’t Oregon like a major White Supremacy hive? Portland may have a reputation as a “hippy” town but I would bet the land owning, wealth having, influential families are severe anti government racist white conservatives.

Yeah the rural parts of Oregon, but the city is leftist as fuck and inside portland thats all that should matter.

But you’re right that the wealthy shitlibs who donate probably don’t want change to the police force main objective of protecting capital. Someone should run for mayor on cleaning up the white supremacist proud boy police force.

Seriously though if you’re a leftist anti fascist protester, you’re kind of dumb if you don’t know how to fight and aren’t taking boxing/muay thai classes at this point. It’s obvious, and every lefty knows, the police are on the other team.

Non open carry places left counter protesters need to learn how to fight, open carry places they need to come strapped.

Once my insane OT ends and we get the delta variant back under control I definitely plan on going to stuff with Micro, maybe he will film me defensively laying out some proud boys and we can start a movement of leftists learning to defend themselves. There is zero point in getting your ass kicked by them, they won’t face any consequences and you can get seriously hurt.

If you’re small/weak, wear some steel toed boots and kick them in the shin/nuts.

Edit: Actually we probably need one of those helmet go pro’s because I expect Micro to get in the mix too. He seems too feisty to sit and film


About 4 p.m. Sunday, a white van leading left-wing demonstrators drove into the Kmart lot in Northeast Portland and crashed near the entrance. Members of the Proud Boys, the right-wing activist group, shot it with paint balls and smashed it with baseball bats.

The conflict escalated with dozens streaming onto the four-lane roadway in Northeast Portland. Bear mace was used by some protesters, though the source was unclear.

After the street skirmish was over, some Proud Boys returned to the parking lot and flipped over the van. The group also slashed the tires and smashed the windows of a silver truck.

I have absolutely zero idea which side to believe about anything wrt to these ongoing antifa/proud boy clashes. Both sides seem to have their Andy Ngos spreading strategically-edited videos.

Portland police don’t represent Portland at all. Like most police, they are from the suburbs. And while Portland certainly has a decent-sized contingent of some of the hardest lefty and anarchist mfers around, the noise they make is disproportionate to their actual power.

It was awesome to be a part of the group for the years I was there, but the police there are just as disgusting as any police force, the community policing efforts that have resulted from extreme efforts by the community remain toothless, and the mayors are by and large fairly conservative liberals even if they sometimes talk a bigger game in the elections. And, yes, they are constrained by the power of the police.


Why are they really restrained? I remember another town fired all their cops and rehired different ones and now the police there are way better.

Me thinks less restrained and more in on it. In the sense it piss of their donors

I switched from engineering (CS) to econ after the first year of weed-out courses which felt like they were designed to generate hate for those fields instead of interest. It’s not like calc I is hard, but the dude I had (let’s call him Satan) was a miserable asshole that tried to make it as difficult and obtuse as possible. He seemed to love telling us how stupid we were but lucky that he was scaling grades. My microeconomics elective was actually interesting without any of this Stockholm Syndrome shit, and the primary reason for that is because the B-School had figured out that you don’t put sociopathic fuckballs in front of the paying customers.

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My general physics (weed out class) teacher was really good. The class was hard, but it absolutely changed the way I looked at the world in a more profound way than any other class - from kindergarten to college.

If my math physics teacher had been as good maybe I wouldn’t have decided I hit my math ceiling.

But I was a shitty student no matter what.

The twist is that econ rekindled my interest in math enough that I went to graduate school for a pure quant STEM degree, and my office ended up being just down the hall from Satan’s.

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I can’t tell if this is an amazing autocorrect or an amazing joke that is over my head.


Best maths teacher I ever had did no teaching at all and just marked papers.

The miserable asshole thing checked out because treating everyone like complete garbage was exactly his reputation within the department. Some of his former PhD students told me that he’d often tell them their future wasn’t in math but McDonald’s.


Lol the amount of rage I will experience if my future kids ever get caught reading Ayn Rand.

Anthem was assigned summer reading for one of my high school English classes.

A copy of Atlas Shrugged was the only free book I ever got for a college class. BB&T bought the professor and provided the free books. I wish I was making that up.

I’ll be rage filled and absolutely instantly become very purposeful about counter programming the rest of the year if that reading gets assigned.

Straight no chaser propaganda designed to help upper middle class white people do awful shit at work during the day and sleep well at night masquerading as pretty bad philosophy.

1917, all white officers, in Houston…hummmmm


If this happens, you tell your kid to read the book with the goal of pointing out all the bullshit. He/she will learn a lot more that way.

One of the best university assignments I got was first year English. This was mid 1990s when a ton of kids thought it was a masterful evil genius scheme to download essays off the “internet”. My first English 101 assignment was to find one of these downloadable essays on one of our course’s reading list, and point out everything wrong with the essay. This very quickly taught us all how terrible those essays are.