Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I don’t entirely disagree with this, but I think for most smart math kids, which includes Nate and a large fraction of unstuckers, that limit is not reached during basic calculus.

Von Neuman as an under-appreciated scientist is an odd take. Would guess 90% of sci-fi / computer nerds have at least heard of him.

Yeah but 90% of non sci-fi/computer nerds have heard of Einstein. That’s the bar, apparently.

E = mc^2 is very catchy.

It’s the Just Do It of scientific discoveries.


It’s better to be famous for one really big thing than it is to have done a lot of really important but also esoteric things. Even the people who know Einstein seldom know what he actually won his Nobel Prize for.

Depends whether you’re in it for the fame and money or for making a contribution.

That doesn’t include me. Like it took me an embarrassingly long time after my calculus courses before I felt comfortable with the epsilon-delta definition of limit. It could have ended my math adventures near their beginning, but in a course “for scientists and engineers,” you can get away with it just fine.

I remember this story because it was funny at the time and even funnier now, decades later: Another math professor surreptitiously asked my calculus instructor (a physics professor) if work could be negative. The math prof was older, so god knows how long he’d been teaching this material and living with the shame of not understanding this little physical detail. I hope they were friends because the physics prof laughed at the poor bastard.

A funny thing about Einstein is that he actual did a lot of “esoteric” things that most people don’t remember him for. He was about a lot more than just relativity.

IIRC a 2+2er was friends with the ITEW podcast guy.

from the clinic.

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At the risk of jinxing myself it was a miss. Had tons of rain and some wind. Have pools of water in the yard and driveway but nothing terrible.

The hurricane has made me aware that Cuomo is still technically the governor of NY wtf that feels like it was MONTHS ago


Yeah, whole lot of not much for me. I’d look at the radar and it would say “omg torrential downpour everywhere build an ark immediately!”, then I’d look out the window and it’d just be light rain. *shrug*


this is going to get worse as they figure out that their prospects are declining

It doesn’t help that there seems to be no appetite to make them suffer consequences for any of this.

In Portland the police explicitly say they aren’t going to do anything, apparently.

Kind of tough to “mental health” this shit away when it’s organized group violence, but I guess we’re done pretending on that front.

Have you seen the tweet with the proud boy pulling a gun and firing into the Antifa crowd, he got caught alive and its all on the twitterverse.

I can post them as I’m not on twitter anymore.

I would think in a place like Portland the Mayor would fire a police chief who didn’t get on this shit immediately. But I guess The Wire lied to me and Mayors/politicians are actually way more afraid of the police than vice versa

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I mean in portland just tell the police if they strike or refuse to do their jobs you will fire them all and replace them with Antifa? Shit I’d move me and moms up to portland to be apart of a left wing antifa police force.

Uno reverse card. Lifted truck? MAGA apparel? You look suspicious as fuck. And yes a cavity search is necessary, you might have an AR15 up your ass.