Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

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The bros know better tho:

“The way Russians teach is that they make sure that every student, when they perform a mathematical operation, they understand why it is performed this way, not just learn how to do it,” Gerovitch says.

I think this is what Common Core tries to do - but probably fails at.

“But Common Core doesn’t even make Common Sense + Obummer did it”, said the father of 2 that barely passed algebra 1 with a C- in high school.

Tipping question:

Bought a treadmill on Craigslist. It’s huge, obviously, and there are stairs on both ends of the move, so I hired movers. They advertise themselves as gym equipment/piano movers specifically. Cost is $134/hour, 2 hour minimum, plus a $99 service fee. I know that sounds expensive but I got two other quotes that were in the same ballpark. I’m relatively sure the entire move will take way less than two hours, the other person does not live far from me at all.

Do I still tip? I don’t know how many guys it will be, they’re not here yet.

:man_shrugging:t2: Every time I’ve seen examples of common core stuff it matches up with how I do mental math. I always have a hard time evaluating complaints about standardized tests/common core/etc because a lot of teachers and just adults in general are just not that bright (or were just taught really bad ways of doing math and reading). Like, there’s definitely a vocal contingent of people who can only do long multiplication by writing it out and having it be a multi-step problem, and they can’t wrap their minds around doing this kind of thing mentally:

Well, what’s 60x16
60x10 is 600, 60x6 is 360, so 960
Then subtract 2x16

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I’d probably throw them each 20 bucks at the end. Who knows how much of the hourly rate and service fee those guys actually see, and an additional 40 bucks isn’t changing the overall price much anyway.

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I thought word problems were to understand why math is performed the way it is.

Turns out they’re going to have to take it apart to get it into my house, so that makes it an easy decision to tip them.

Pretty tilting that what they’re calling Russian math is actually just math being delivered as the advanced private tutoring version for the sons and daughters of affluent Karens.

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After they put it back together again of course.

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I’m assuming suzzer meant why an algorithm works not why a particular algorithm is used. Idk if true of Russians or common core.

I used to be fair at mental math. Now have trouble losing my place. Not like Trump level 17x6 bad but still disappointing. Not sure if memory or focus problem.

When I tutored, I encouraged students to do steps in their heads rather pick up a calculator (sometimes I’d even take it away). But I’m not sure now to what degree that was right. Keith Devlin, for one, argues it’s (mostly?) a waste of time. There are more useful skills.

I strongly disagree. I see engineers calculator dependent that come up with unpossible numbers all the time.

If you do the mental math you at least have an expectation of the exact answer and tend not to slip decimal places or transpose numbers or screw up order of operation issues or mess up cell reference issues in excel, etc.


The ability to estimate quickly about what something should be and then use a calculator to get more precise cannot be overstated.


it’s a myth. soviet/russian math education goes faster and earlier, but lol at “making sure everyone understands why, not just how”. that’s impressive word salad. teachers everywhere have favorites, and they help them along. everyone else just gets they 3 (C) and is really no better at math related things (like budgets) than any other country.

cuomo resign?

New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announces resignation in effort to head off likely impeachment in wake of devastating report on his conduct

There is a whole Cuomo thread. NY getting as bad as IL.

my pony isn’t perverted, it’s just slow.

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Italian Stallion IMO.