Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Wells Fargo has a 2% cash back card, but I don’t know the details and I hate Wells Fargo. Everywhere else the ceiling is going to be 1.5%, or 1% plus some byzantine combination of revolving categories at higher rates.

If you want to play the cash back game, some store branded cards offer 5% on in-store purchases. If you shop a lot at the Evil Empire of Bezos, the Prime card is free money.

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Yeah there are a good number of 2ish% options. I need to get off my ass and just switch to something else. I’m at a point in my life where I’m going to start traveling more, so I’ll probably look into something with good travel awards. The biggest rock is that it’s gonna take me about a half hour to figure out how to unfreeze my credit and actually do it, and I’m really lazy.

If you get around to it, Chase Sapphire Reserve is really hard to beat if you take more than a few trips a year, especially if you’re not into getting, like, every store’s card. Compared to e.g. Amex Platinum, I found it had as good if not better customer service, travel perks that were at least as good if not better, and it was way, way easier to make good use of the points you accumulate.

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I got a Wal-Mart Capital One card recently that is 5% off including groceries. That would be huge for families probably. I’m mostly trying to build credit to get out of having neighbors and moving to a lake home, buying a home in my city, or moving to CO and flying back if there are any emergencies with my business after I hire a good manager.

ETA: I’m sure I’m about to get shown much better options. I don’t ever hang out at Bogleheads.

They just raised my annual fee from $400 to $550. Still get the same $300 back for travel purchases, which is never a problem. But still that blows.

Card was $450 when it started. I think you’re misremembering the low end.

Maybe for you noob. I’m kind of a VIP.

Wait, I’m being informed that the annual fee was in fact $450.

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It didn’t take me very long to get a good credit score after I started caring about it and put in some effort. It’s very easy to game.

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I mostly need to save for a down payment instead of buying modular gear, traveling to jam band shows and other dumb shit tbh. Trying to raise it more in the meantime. I had to file for bankruptcy from a medical thing several years ago that is just coming off my reports recently also. UHC!




AmEx Platinum was just increased to $700 but they now will comp a subscription to the NYTimes crossword app.

Hold on, are @Trolly and @TrollyWantACracker different people? I had assumed they were the same but now realize that was probably wrong.

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We used to be the same poster, but I split off during a financial restructuring in 2010.


lol, he’s 1000x better at poasting than I am.


I subscribe to that, so free money. Though haven’t been doing it as much to do French on Duolingo during my free time. j’apprends le francais pour des vacances a Paris


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But they have the Freedom to die or go bankrupt. Unlike those oppressed commies.

I’m pretty sure people go bankrupt in Canada too, just less often. Prescriptions are one thing that’ll get ya.

Medical bankruptcy is approximately cause no. 3 on the list in Canada following job loss and divorce. It’s hard to separate these things though, usually a sequence of reinforcing events will collectively cause a bankruptcy.

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The head guy at my job site this morning was carrying around a yeti style mug that said “leftist tears.” Which is like fine, you hate the libs, whatever. But I happened to run across a picture of the exact same mug on Twitter, learning that it’s a daily wire product.

It’s just like Jesus; you’re a 55 year old, have some self respect and stop following Ben Shapiro.