Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Didn’t book through AMEX travel. I just used AMEX to pay for the ticket on the Southwest airlines website.

I don’t even know what “booking through AMEX travel” is. Maybe I need to look in to doing that in the future. Do you just get the same fare as if you book on the airline’s website?

Thx for making me chuckle. I got ur joke but also feel like I’ve been playing Weller itf lately.

Forgive my insufferability. (Should be a word). Just need a couple more months to balance my range and I can post better.

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You can say only super power, but the differences between Canada and the US politically post WWII are stark.

How much has living under the umbrella of the US military played a role in the development of socialist democracies?

Not much? The USA has been as much of a threat as a shield.
If the USA wasn’t what it was from a foreign policy perspective, Canada would be as safe as Australia. They’ve brought as much, if not more violence then they have saved post war imo.

Here is a picture of a man expressing his desire for free speech by punching a horse.



Usually the same fare, though occasionally more or less so you have to check. You get 5x points, so effectively a 10% rebate. Just go to and book there.

Yes, a country landlocked to a country with one of the most powerful militaries in all of history with one of the longest standing defense agreements and the worlds only binational military command has been a stalwart in the face of terror.

Noping out HAM on this one.

ETA: not trying to be an ass. Sobriety is a bitch. Also things are different in the post Trump era.

I think America has desperately wanted the world to think it has protected them since WWII. It’s what Americans are taught. I dont really agree with the sentiment. It’s very complicated, and the counters as you say are almost complete hypotheticals.

Since WWII we’ve murdered millions of civilians and toppled numerous democratically elected regimes. We’re the bad guys.

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@Trolly Have you checked out Yasuke on Netflix?

Produced by and scored by Flying Lotus.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1418605310357303304|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&

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Damn. My slow pony got knocked tf out.

on safari.

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Thanks. I’ll check it out.

I’ve got the Blue Cash, so there are no points, only cashback, so I’m not sure how that works with AMEX travel, but I’ll check it out.

Only one ep in, I got a lot on my plate. The new Godzilla anime looks interesting.

FWIW, I’ve had various amex flavors for over 25 years and their customer service was just as good when I was a kid with a dinky green card (I don’t even think you can get this one anymore) as it is now when I have multiple cards with $500+ annual fees.

I guess it can’t hurt to ask. I’m honestly not sure what the play is when I get on the phone with them. My shitty AMEX doesn’t have any sort of associated travel insurance (I just checked), so I’m not sure what I would be asking them to do. Southwest already refunded my return flight.

Here’s my current plan

  1. Call Southwest and complain (they have a separate number specifically for these types of complaints that I have to call and they’re only open from Mon to Fri.)
  2. If that doesn’t work call AMEX and see what they can do
  3. If above fails consider eating it or pursuing further (small claims?)
  4. Get better credit card. The only reason I’ve got this AMEX is that I’ve had it forever and I’m too lazy to unfreeze my credit to get a different one. I get back a shade under 1.5% cash back aggregate, which is decent but I’m sure I could do better with something else (either rewards points for travel or just a better cashback card).