Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Ohio’s small towns are full of the absolute worst people in the entire country.

I hear Yellow Springs is nice.

He will definitely vote for them, and it’ll be the easiest vote for Democrat he’s ever made.

Oh man, the women’s soccer team taking a knee has the haters hating.

I actually like Rapinoe who is the most controversial member of the team, but the women’s team has been pretty unlikable as a whole for a while imo.

Because they kneeled? The comments are all people willing to cheer for any other team than the US because the team betrayed them.

Just an unlikable group at a sporting level for the last while. Not because they kneeled or wanted equal pay. Just not super fun to watch, were really poor sports when they lost 2 Olympics ago etc. It would be like if Goliath started whining to the refs about how David was playing.

The Ben Shapiro types will never watch a minute of women’s soccer anyway, I went to a few WC matches when games were here, but didn’t want to see the USA play to mingle with their fans.

I wonder if there’s any relation between meditation and flow state. The reason I love computer programming is it’s one of the few things (and the only one you can make money at) that consistently gets me into flow state. Meditation just feels like torture to me, which I realize may mean I need it more than most. But maybe I’ve found a similar alternative.

This guy’s TED talk was really illuminating for me as far as at least his theory that flow state is one of the three paths to happiness. Might all be bullshit but it feels right for me. I never realized how much what I do at my job contributes to my happiness, but I can see now that it does. I’m miserable when we’re not busy. My stress levels shoot through the roof. When we’re swamped with work, I’m more content.

Although it’s interesting as to what it says about the human condition that losing yourself so that 8 hours go by in 10 minutes is a road to happiness. IE - life is suffering and death is the best orgasm of all.

After all the horrors in Iraq and Syria - ISIS was more hated in the region than the US, Jews or anything else. I assume their days were numbered either way.

Of course none of them will watch it anyway. They are so racist they are disavowing any American team. For standing up for minority Americans. It’s fucked up.

GOAT Ted talk:

Tangentially related to some of the things we’ve been talking about, like meditation, mindfulness, and satisfaction with work.

Also helps that the presenter is the GOAT public speaker, on par with a stand-up comedian.

It’s crazy how much rehearsal goes into a TED Talk. Every word, utterance and mannerism is meticulously practiced even if it looks as though as it is off-the-cuff. Oftentimes, these speakers have given the same exact speech at other events as well.

i kinda wish this was a gameplay option in GTA when i played it.

I gave a TEDx talk once (that’s one whole letter better, right?). I had to do several script reviews (which I never do, because I think scripted talks sound stilted) and six weeks of rehearsals. When I finally gave the talk, I got three minutes into it when one of the organizers walked on stage and told me one of the cameras had been blocked, so I needed to start over. In front of a live audience. If I only had a dime for every person who has told me, “Saw your TEDx video, great talk, but why do you seem so angry?”


It’s why I hate using them when trying to help students give presentations. They set an unrealistic standard for students to reach let alone those presenting in their second (or third) language. That said, some of the non-verbal cues are pretty useful to point out.

I’d rather have my students join Toastmasters if they really want to improve though.

Trump moved the US (more) towards supporting ISIS in Northern Syria. Not kidding.

I’m sure he was surprised to even be challenged on it. One thing Never Trumpers assume is that even Dems are fully supportive of blowing up as many brown people in the middle east as possible. He was probably expecting you to say “Yes, of course, the Forever War against Bad Guy Terrorists is a great and noble enterprise that we can all rally behind, even if we hate Trump personally!”


I give talks a lot for work, sometimes at conferences, sometimes at small meetups, and of course since COVID these have all been on zoom, and when they’re on zoom the organizers want pre-recorded talks, which I fucking HATE. I get why they want it, it eliminates a shitton of variables and makes things a million times easier for them but wow they’re just so awful (not just mine, they’re just less spontaneous, super unengaging).

I just recorded one yesterday, hopefully the last time I do this (I have live actual live conferences in september and october though I kinda suspect these have a really good chance of getting virtualized at the rate things are going). It was definitely not my best work, I really wasn’t into it and I think I came off pretty stiff and boring, but whatever, it’s in the can. This morning I was walking the dog and had a moderately interesting insight based on a conversation I had with a cow-orker late yesterday afternoon that would have made my session maybe 5-10% more interesting. Now, this was a really short talk, 15 minutes, so I decided I would re-record it (as a bonus, I would probably be a little more animated overall since I was kinda pumped up by this idea). I got back home and pinged my marketing person to see if it was too late to re-submit the video. Then I realized I had already torn down the lab environment I used in the demo portion of the recording (and that is the part I would need to re-record) so I just said “fuck it” and left it as is.

I would actually be interested in a series of angry Ted Talks.

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