Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

His holiness’ poop bag is full when the brown goes on in the upper corner of the Vatican.


I guess that would explain why every MAGA idiot thinks they’re going to be a billionaire some day and when they are, they’re gonna take advantage of those sweet tax breaks for the wealthy.

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I’m from that area and my father lived in Plymouth. Plymouth Rock is hilarious. It’s not special in any way. It’s not even big lol.

I am disappointed by the fact that no one itt has been disappointed by any place in Germany. I mean we had Austrian pubs, English buildings, French paintings, Danish statues, Italian towers, yet none of you found anything in Germany to be less than you expected.
You shouldn’t leave out Germany. History should have taught you what could happen when we develop an inferiority complex.


Surprisingly, not too soon.

I wonder how he has time to come up with new ways to fuck up society. I barely have the ambition to go out to start my car every few days so the battery doesn’t die.


OK, fine. The Reeperbahn is pathetic as both a red light district and as a tourist attraction. There is nothing entertaining about it, and the most sinful thing I saw there was some horrible burger monstrosity advertised in a Burger King window.


Berlin is the only city in Germany I’ve been to, and I was not disappointed, other than Tegel kinda sucked (this was 2016, so it was already way past when it should have been replaced by BER). Brandenburg gate and the whole mitte area met expectations. Checkpoint Charlie maybe was a little less exciting than expected, I guess?

wtf? is he getting pulled?

No, there is a motor on the foil under the surface. Those things are available commercially.

It’s been done better.


That dude’s standing on land like a peasant.

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Imagine believing in a religion where the anointed voice of god needs surgery.


I could take or leave the miniature place in Hamburg. You could only watch a plane land on a replica mini airport so often before you get bored.

Feel better now?

OK, I’ll go.

Neuschwanstein castle overrated, especially considering how inconveniently located it is.

I was disappointed that they served my Berliner Weisse with a glass straw and kept asking if I wanted them to put some kind of thick syrup in it. I was also disappointed to see the ass kissing of Ronny Raygun in various places in Berlin.

Well, if we’re talking beer. Nearly all of it is too damn warm.

In Germany? Not that I found.

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