Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Hey hey hey, a rapist got out of prison on a technicality today!


Kind of want to write a comedy where Bill Cosby and OJ Simpson end up as wacky roommates, with Donald Trump as their landlord.


“If They Did It”


CPAC 2022 tix just got way more expensive :man_facepalming:

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Given these facts, I’m surprised the trial judge even allowed the criminal case to continue.

Only a judge can grant immunity, though? If the only evidence is oral this opens the door to mega angle shooting.

I just told the wife that we had excellent timing as our Ring doorbell just arrived, cause the Coz is on the loose in the next county.

Yup he did it. Yup he got off. I think we have to just eat it because it does seem he only testified and incriminated himself because of Castor. He is the real effing douche here.

Bottom line, he got some jail time and completely outed as a serial rapist. So perversely probably justice got as good as we liked were ever going to see. Without the new prosecutor pushing this to trial the whole story never would have come out. We will just have to be satisfied with 3 years in the joint and conviction in the court of public opinion.

Do the rape in Pennsylvania next time Allison

that’s okay he won’t see it anyway

Hmmm. Cawthorn and standing. Cosby and seeing.

(I laughed but then Im bad)

Bye Rumsfeld


It’s been a good year for scumbags dying.

article is being heavily edited because its subject has recently died. Knowledge about the circumstances of the death and surrounding events may change rapidly as more facts come to light.

Lol sitting next to some olds for lunch and this lady is talking about how Epstein was treated unfairly because some of the women went back a 2nd time. Obviously all old well off white trumpers.

Also talking about people not getting enough jail time


My reaction to Rumsfeld’s death:



WhY dOn’T wOmEn CoMe FoRwArD?!!!


But, but…then they would risk sanctions from the Office of Professional Responsibility! Surely a member of this fine profession would never jeopardize their license with such tomfoolery!

Adios Rumsfeld

Hopefully they get the other Donald next time